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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

 Lark or Owl
One and another and everything in between
Quantic beings
Circadian rhythms are a fundamental characteristic of any species' modus operandi, representing a local factor. However, they can always be surpassed.
As we have chosen to invest in human life, we must terraform the vital momentum, , without overlooking the inherent process of the essential forces, represented by the hexagrams 1, 2 & 29 and 30, flowing in and out of the fields from 2 to 29.

Friday, October 13, 2023


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

"...all building and replenishing for a physical body is from within, and must be constructed by the mind of the entity; for MIND is the BUILDER; for each cell in the atomic force of the body is as a world of its own, and each one - each cell - being in perfect unison, may build to that necessary to reconstruct the forces of the body in all its needs..."

Edgar Cayce reading 93-1

"All building and replenishing for a physical body is from within, and must be constructed by the mind of the individual; for MIND is the BUILDER; for each cell in the atomic force of the body is as a world of its own, and each one - each cell - being in perfect unison, may build to that necessary to reconstruct the forces of the body in all its needs."

CCL 93-1

*CCL = Contemporary Cayce Language

Friday, October 13, 2023

"Grow first in grace, in knowledge and then apply the mechanical sources for the healing and correcting of the body."

Edgar Cayce reading 3684-1

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Between 26 & 29 / 09


12:34:45 20230928

26 / 64

䷙ Hexagram 26 大畜 (dà xù), "Great Accumulating". or  "the taming power of the great", "great storage", and "potential energy". 
Its inner (lower) trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and 
its outer (upper) trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.
Da Xu:
Under the conditions of Da Xu, it will be advantageous to be firm and correct. (If its subject do not seek to) enjoy his revenues in his own family (without taking service at court), there will be good fortune. It will be advantageous for him to cross the great stream.
Tuan Zhuan:
In (the trigrams composing) Da Xu we have (the attributes) of the greatest strength and of substantial solidity, which emit a brilliant light; and indicate a daily renewal of his virtue (by the subject of it). The strong line is in the highest place, and suggests the value set on talents and virtue; there is power (in the upper trigram) to keep the strongest in restraint: - all this shows 'the great correctness' (required in the hexagram). 'The good fortune attached to the subject's not seeking to enjoy his revenues in his own family' shows how talents and virtue are nourished. 'It will be advantageous to cross the great stream:' - (the fifth line, representing the ruler,) is responded to by (the second, the central line of Qian, representing) Heaven.
Xiang Zhuan:
(The trigram representing) a mountain, and in the midst of it that (representing) heaven, form Da Xu. The superior man, in accordance with this, stores largely in his memory the words and deeds of former men, to subserve the accumulation of his virtue.

Changing line #1
"Accepting Obstacles"
If your efforts to move forward are blocked, keep your composure. Calmly set your sights right through all obstacles.
Da Xu:
The first NINE, undivided, shows its subject in a position of peril. It will be advantageous for him to stop his advance.
Xiang Zhuan:
'He is in a position of peril; it will be advantageous for him to stop his advance:' - he should not rashly expose himself to calamity.

Changing line #3
"Doors Opening"
With reins held steadily, ride upon your steed through the open gateway. But keep your focus and stay aware of anything that could turn into an obstacle.
Da Xu:
The third NINE, undivided, shows its subject urging his way with good horses. It will be advantageous for him to realise the difficulty (of his course), and to be firm and correct, exercising himself daily in his charioteering and methods of defence; then there will be advantage in whatever direction he may advance.
Xiang Zhuan:
'There will be advantage in whatever direction he may advance:' - (the subject of) the topmost line is of the same mind with him.

Changing line #4
"Restraint Builds Power"
This line suggests that holding back at this time will fuel a build-up of energy and power. Be willing to tie the wild horse to the fence temporarily. This will help you succeed when it is set free again.
Da Xu:
The fourth six, divided, shows the young bull, (and yet) having the piece of wood over his horns. There will be great good fortune.
Xiang Zhuan:
'The great good fortune indicated by the fourth six, (divided),' shows that there is an occasion for joy.

䷿ Hexagram 64 未濟 (wèi jì), "Not Yet Fording" or "before completion" and "not yet completed".
Its inner (lower) trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and
its outer (upper) trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire.
Wei Ji:
Wei Ji intimates progress and success (in the circumstances which it implies). (We see) a young fox that has nearly crossed (the stream), when its tail gets immersed. There will be no advantage in any way.
Tuan Zhuan:
'Wei Ji intimates progress and success (in the circumstances which it implies):' - the weak (fifth) line is in the centre. 'The young fox has nearly crossed the stream:' - but he has not yet escaped from the midst (of the danger and calamity). 'Its tail gets immersed. There will be no advantage in any way:' - there is not at the end a continuance (of the purpose) at the beginning. Although the places (of the different lines) are not those appropriate to them, yet a strong (line) and a weak (line always) respond to each other.
Xiang Zhuan:
(The trigram representing) water and that for fire above it form Wei Ji. The superior man, in accordance with this, carefully discriminates among (the qualities of) things and the (different) positions they (naturally) occupy.

Saturday, May 6, 2023


  • Instead of  a Virgin Earth, Ionisation
  • In lieu of the Cosmos, Stabilisation
  • Stabilisation of the Ionisation to an almost standstill (Exerted from a local point)
  • The celestial balance attainment passes through a local achievement, i.e. stabilising the ionisation process.
䷊,十一,泰, "Pervading", “smooth going", "peace" and "greatness".
  • Its inner (lower) trigram is ☰ (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven,
  • and its outer (upper) trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.
It belongs to the first  celestial — half of 

This powerful hexagram, which literally means "heaven" supporting the "earth, " indicates peace and favourable times. This is a sign of prosperity, plenty and success. Heaven and the Earth are in spiritual contact at this time, and harmony exists between them. Positive energy overwhelms and it is the responsibility of all to use and channel that energy wisely and for good.



"The Castle Wall Tumbles to the Moat"
This changing line at the top of the hexagram suggests that a time of peace and prosperity may be coming to an end. That which was depended upon is now leaving rapidly. As peace and prosperity disappear, make note of who and what is truly important. A time of unfortunate changes is at hand. Security is threatened and that which seemed stable is now imbalanced.

"Not Boasting of Wealth"
This changing line offers a stern warning to those who would advertise their own success. Those who boast may be reminded harshly that it was luck which made them successful. At this time immodesty is fraught with peril. The wise person treats all people equally. Such actions lead to greater success at this time.

"Tolerate the Uncultured"
In times of prosperity, it is important to show tolerance both to those who have not shared in success, or to those who use their success in uncultured ways. The message in this changing line is that rubbing shoulders with all types while demeaning no one, is a path to even greater success and enlightenment.

"When Grass is Uprooted, Other Plants Follow"
A change in this line at the base of the hexagram of Peace reminds us that forces that affect one person, also affect surrounding people. Another way of saying this is: "A rising tide lifts all ships". In times of prosperity, there are many paths to success.

䷷, fifty-sixth, 旅 (lǚ), "Sojourning" or "the wanderer" and "travelling".
  • Its inner (lower) trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain,
  • and its outer (upper) trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire.
It nests well into the V(ia)  between the local close four forces and fields (51/52 & 57/58)  just aft of the Cornucopia and ahead of the Ground (solid earth) and the margin, swamps and lakes (liquid earth).
It belongs to the second leg  terrestrial  of 

20 55 50
觀 豐 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Simple Arrays
Process of external introspection, Paul Neberra

No Division
One & All
Beyond Raumzeit@Lightspeed in vacuum
Beyond focus 15
Past XV Le DiViseur
One Entity (Original and Second Brain)
One Octopussy All Brained
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Equations solved

Voix Ventrale
Presque totalement silencieuse

Guts∴Gray matter∴Governor

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

"Life in its manifestation is vibration"

— Edgar Cayce reading 1861-16

From A, α to Ω, ω (ohm(s) a 100Ω resistor)
whereas A, α & Ω, ω are past focus XV and ONE

Process of external introspection, Paul Neberra

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Remembering when experiencing the Chasm

Flowers do not dream of bees and butterflies
Flowers blossom.
The bees then arrive, flying
And the dragonfly already enjoys the summer.

Living things tend to change unrecognizably as they grow.  Who would deduce the dragonfly from the larva, the iris from the bud, the lawyer from the infant? Flora or fauna, we are all still shape-shifters and magical reinvents. Life is really a plural noun, a caravan of selves.
一 Diane Ackerman

Life is a wave of creative consciousness rippling through space and time that we have the honour of aesthetically surfing.
一 Alex Grey

As you go the way of life,
You will see a great chasm. Jump.
It is not as wide as you think.
一 Joseph Campbell 

                                     ➥   有、名萬物之母。
道德經: 第二十章


Friday, March 3, 2023

The plurality of Fernando Pessoa
Le Puits Gaillot & le Ciel

Não sou nada.
Nunca serei nada.
Não posso querer ser nada.
À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo.

I'm nothing,
I'll always be nothing.
I can't even wish to be something.
Aside from that, I've got all the world's dreams inside me.
一 Álvaro de Campos (Fernando Pessoa's heteronym), Tabacaria ["The Tobacconist's" or "The Tobacco Shop"] (15 January 1928)

Variant translations:
I am nothing.
Never shall be anything.
Cannot will to be anything.
This apart, I have in me all the dreams of the world.
一 trans. Jonathan Griffin, in Selected Poems (Penguin Books, 1974), p. 111
I am not nothing.
I will never be nothing.
I cannot ever want to be nothing.
Apart from that, I have in me all the dreams of the world.
一 In Webster's New World Dictionary of Quotations (2005), p. 649
I am nothing.
I shall never be anything.
I cannot even wish to be anything.
Apart from this, I have within me all the dreams of the world.
一 Fernando Pessoa

Começo a conhecer-me. Não existo.
Sou o intervalo entre o que desejo ser e os outros me fizeram.
I'm beginning to know myself. I don't exist.
I'm the gap between what I'd like to be and what others have made me.
一 Álvaro de Campos (Fernando Pessoa's heteronym), "Começo a conhecer-me. Não existo.", in Fernando Pessoa & Co: Selected Poems, trans. Richard Zenith (Grove Press, 1998)

Somos dois abismos — um poço fitando o céu.
We are two abysses — a well staring at the sky.
一 Fernando Pessoa, Livro do Desassossego: Composto por Bernardo Soares, ajudante de guarda-livros na cidade de Lisboa, A Factless Autobiography, Richard Zenith Edition, Lisbon, 2006, p. 48

Considero a vida uma estalagem onde tenho que me demorar até que chegue a diligência do abismo. Não sei onde ela me levará, porque não sei nada.
I think of life as an inn where I have to stay until the abyss coach arrives. I don't know where it will take me, for I know nothing.
一 Fernando Pessoa, Livro do Desassossego: Composto por Bernardo Soares, ajudante de guarda-livros na cidade de Lisboa, A Factless Autobiography, Richard Zenith Edition, Lisbon, 2006, p. 40

O meu coração é um pouco maior que o universo inteiro.
My heart is a little larger than the entire universe.
一 Fernando Pessoa "Saí do comboio" (4 July 1934), trans. Richard Zenith

O amor é que é essencial.
O sexo é só um acidente.
Love is essential. Sex, a mere accident.
一 Fernando Pessoa, Poem (5 April 1935), reported in Poesias inéditas (1930-1935), p. 192

Sê plural como o universo!
Be plural, like the universe!
一 Fernando Pessoa, Páginas Íntimas e de Auto Interpretação (published posthumously, 1966)

Life is what we make of it.
Travel is the traveller.
What we see isn't what we see but what we are.
一 Fernando Pessoa

Who will write the story of what could have been?
That, if someone writes it,
Will be the true history of humanity.
What exists is the real world—not us, just the world.
We are, in reality, what doesn’t exist.
I am who I failed to be.
一 Fernando Pessoa

My soul is a hidden orchestra; I know not what instruments, what fiddlestrings and harps, drums and tamboura I sound and clash inside myself. All I hear is the symphony.
一 Fernando Pessoa