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Sunday, October 23, 2022

 火fire 30   水 29 water

風水 Colours and cardinal points:

Systems with five cardinal points (four directions and the center) as those from pre-modern China
Northern EurasiaNESWCSource
  • Green/Blue with the east, for creation and growth
  • White or gray with the west, for money
  • Red with the south, for power
  • Black with north, for communication

One way to achieve an energetic boost toward one of these goals might be to paint the accent wall in that direction with the corresponding colour.

वास्तु शास्त्र Vā́stu śāstra takes a slightly different approach, instead recommending that a person select a colour scheme based on their personality. वास्तु शास्त्र Vā́stu śāstra believes that each person has more or less of the natural elements, which are called “दोषः doṣa”:

  • Those with वात दोष Vāta (movement) dosha (air) and its subtle counterpart called prana (the life force and healing energy of Vāta (air)) should use green and yellow.
  • Those with पित्त दोष pitta (metabolism) dosha (☲ 火fire 30 and ☵ 水 29 water) and its subtle counterpart called Tejas (inner radiance and healing energy of pitta (fire)) should paint with blues and greens.
  • Those with कफ दोष Kapha (watery element) dosha (☷坤earth and ☵ 水water) and its subtle counterpart called ओजसी Ojas (eighth धातु Dhātu, or महाधातु Mahādhātu, the ultimate energy reserve of the body derived from कफ Kapha (water)) should select reds and violets.

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