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Thursday, February 9, 2023

quantum cosmology in which space-time is a consequence of entanglement


Yin yang.svg

Core of being

MONISM — a word coined by German philosopher Baron Christian von Wolff and first used in English in 1862, from New Latin monismus, from Ancient Greek μόνος (mónos, “alone”) — is the doctrine of the oneness and unity of reality, despite the appearance of diversity in the world.
  • Wave 陽 or  
  • Wormhole 為 陰 or ⚋, or 一一, all
  • 此兩者,同出而異名,同謂之玄。玄之又玄,衆妙之門。

In a quantum universe, there are no individual objects. All that exists is merged into a single “One.”
Space and time are considered products of a more fundamental projector reality

“Adopting entanglement as the world-making relation comes at the price of giving up separability. But those who are ready to take this step should perhaps look to entanglement for the fundamental relationship with which to constitute this world (and perhaps all the other possible ones).” 
— Rasmus Jaksland

Thus, when space and time disappear, a unified One emerges.

“I’m almost certain that space and time are illusions. These are primitive notions that will be replaced by something more sophisticated.”
— Nathan Seiberg, Institute for Advanced Study

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