Monday, May 31, 2021
Saturday, May 22 |
"What is the sixth sense? Not the soul, not the conscious mind, not the subconscious mind, not intuition alone, not any of those cosmic forces — but the very force or activity of the soul in its experience through WHATEVER has been the experience of that soul itself." (ECRL 5754-2) |
Wednesday, May 26 |
"Hold fast to faith. The day dawns for more peace, more harmony, more happiness in your experience." (ECRL 413-13) |
Sunday, May 30 |
"In giving happiness to others it grows in the giving. In finding peace within yourself you are able to bring peace into the lives and the experiences of others." (ECRL 262-116) |
Saturday, May 22, 2021
At Present

Friday, May 21, 2021 (XIII - 4) |
"For, it is the mind that builds, and whether the fruit of the spirit brings forth brambles or figs depends upon the application ... And thus you sow to the spirit or to the whirlwind." (ECRL 2408-1) ![]() The High Priestess – Guardian of the Mystery – The Wisdom Keeper The High Priestess/Hierophantissa (Greek: Hiera:-sacred and Phanes:-illuminator/revealer) is the feminine archetype of one who acts as a conduit to the Divine Mystery. She is the earthly portal to all that is unknown and unseen in the physical and she is the veil through which one perceives all that is unconscious and hidden. The High Priestess represents and contains within her symbolic chalice (divine feminine womb) the primal feminine principle of the Divine. The ancient Jewish mystics called this Feminine aspect of “God” the Shekinah. The Shekinah although not mentioned by name in the patriarchal Old Testament, is mentioned frequently in ancient rabbinic literature. In its many translations, the Shekinah is often described as the mysterious, beautiful and feminine “Presence” of “God” or as some may describe – ‘The Holy Spirit’. Over time her presence was hidden and dismissed, but still can be found in Jewish tradition as the “Shabbat Kallah” the Sabbath Bride called in to be greeted in union with her counterpart/husband, the masculine Godhead. Within Ancient pre-Alexandrian Kabbalah, the Shekinah was represented as the triune of Feminine Wisdom (Chokmah) Understanding (Binah) and Knowledge (Da’ath). The Shekinah was the equivalent of the Greek Sophia. Over centuries the patriarchal Kabbalists changed the two sephirot – Chokmah and Da’ath – to masculine aspects and the Hebrew Sophia was no longer attributed to the Feminine. The Hierophantissa is most commonly represented in the Major Arcana cards of the Tarot. Her masculine counterpart is the Magician. She is the embodiment of unconscious intuitive and esoteric wisdom and the Magician is the embodiment of conscious power and worldly knowledge. The High Priestess is the keeper of all that is known and still waiting to be illuminated. She holds the harmonic equilibrium between light and dark, the beginning and the end. This is symbolically illustrated as the two pillars of Boaz and Yochim in the Temple of Solomon and can be revealed as the Hebrew letters Beth and Yod. Beth being the first letter of the first word of the Torah and Yod being the first letter of the last word of the Torah. There are too many misunderstandings and untold hidden truths within the Tarot teaching system, not least within the origins of the name of the ‘Tarot’ itself. The polarities of life and all that lies between, is contained within the Shekinah’s ‘pearls of wisdom’ and the High Priestess sits as Her guardian before these pillars of opposites at the entrance to the Temple of Mystery... The High Priestess is pure presence before the light and dark emerge. She is the one who crosses the void and brings as many as she can through the gates with her. The priestess abides by the laws of Spirit and is not chained by earthly matters. She knows her time on earth is temporary and focuses on the subtle realms of vibration and astral travel. The High Priestess is guided by pure intuition and her devotion to the Supreme Spirit. Her strength comes from the unending well of love energy that interconnects us all. As she continues discovering the mysteries of magick, she shares all experiences discovered in truth and love, to be shared with all beings that are receptive to her energy, art, and word. The priestess appears when one is dedicated to the continuous unfolding discovery of the truth of being. The High Priestess emerges when our fear of the unknown realms vanishes. She is the walker between the worlds of God and man. She has the quality of the ethers and the creative blooming of untainted imagination. As we move into pure inspiration, which is in direct alignment with the Source, we become free from the binds of all false selves. From this freedom blooms infinite wisdom within, that obliterates all veils of illusion. The realms of light we embody and travel upon reveal an unending portal of creativity that is now bursting forth in every aspect of our life. In this space, we can move majestically in freedom, guided by the laws of the universe. In this creatively expansive space, there is no attachment of outcome, as we are only abiding in the pure expression of the Divine, always alive and inspired. As we embody the High Priestess energy, the only interest we have is union with our pure God Self. We witness that by abiding in the Source, the whole world moves in divine harmony. Anxiety and fear leave our field because we are aware that what is done in these states is not original to the purity of our nature. As we move guided by the inner Spirit, we know that all which occurs can only be the Divine moving. Our alignment and integrity with our being in our total embodiment of the High Priestess will allow us to be the highest service to Mother Earth and all the inhabitants here and all lifeforms on lower and higher realms of existence. Let us open ourselves to the greater responsibilities that come with the higher realms we have entered. Green Tara /Laura Santi Sacred Art In the Myth of the Buddha when he was said to have broken down without hope to continue~ two tears fell from his face and Manifested White Tara with One~ and Green Tara with the other... Thoughts and Feelings are The Goddess too~ Everything just Frequencies of the Universal Experience that come to visit and pass through the Moment if we Allow. Practice is so we can notice where to unhang ourselves in the case we got caught up. Breathing deep and Knowing~ Love is All there Is... To an experienced practitioner - moving mind and still mind are the same things. No matter what appears, it is empty of nature. It is the play of primordial wisdom. Whenever thoughts arise they will be set free spontaneously. This is samadhi. This is naturally arisen primordially wisdom. Leave as is without fabrication. Just as a rope burned by fire cannot tie anything up, discursive thoughts no longer bind. Their nature is empty. What appears as thoughts is the very radiance of emptiness. There is no difference between thoughts and emptiness. Nature of thoughts being empty, they should be understood as dharmakaya - true indestructible reality. Nothing to meditate upon. When you make corrections to ordinary thoughts it sets in motion the chain reaction of delusion. Don’t correct or modify anything. When you stray from leaving things just as they are, that itself is a delusion. All you need is to avoid wandering. The only point is to never wander while maintaining no object of focus whatsoever. If grasping thoughts are freed by themselves, the objects of grasping thoughts - forms, objects whatever - are also freed of their own accord. Sights such as beautiful or ugly forms, smells, joys and sorrows, friends and enemies, earth, water, fire wind and all the rest, whatever arises, whatever appears, leave it all just as is. Mindfulness should never be departed from compassion. At the start think your meditation is for all beings. At the end of your meditation dedicate the merit to all beings. Without compassion the root of practice is poison. ~ Patrul Rinpoche |
Thursday, May 20, 2021
"It's All Good, Man"

- Gillis MacGill (September 2, 1928 – December 16, 2013) was a fashion model who opened her own modelling agency, Mannequin, in November 1960. Gillis is of Greek origin, and it means "young goat; or, bishop's servant; or, servant of Jesus". Gillis is a Scandinavian, Dutch form of Giles (Greek). Gillis is also a form of Gillespie (Scottish, Gaelic): anglicized variant spelling of Gille Easbaig (from Old Irish epscop, from Latin episcopus, from Ancient Greek ἐπίσκοπος (epískopos, “overseer”). Gillis Scottish name: reduced form of Gaelic Mac Gille Iosa ‘son of the servant of Jesus’. The usual spelling in Scotland is Gillies. Dutch form of Giles.Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press
- McGill (no first name known) is a former US intelligence agent who had been forced to resign from the service six years before the opening episode, having been practically accused of treason. Unable to clear his name or return to the USA, McGill makes ends meet by working as a travelling private detective and bounty hunter based in Britain, living out of his suitcase (hence the title "Man in a Suitcase"). His cases generally took him to different parts of Europe, and on a couple of occasions to Africa.
- McGill University: One of the top-ranked institutions of higher learning in the world presently ranked as 1st in Canada, 1st Public University in North America, and 12th University in the World. It boasts an incredible Faculty, noted especially by its world-leading Faculties of Medicine (comprising the McGill Health Center), Law, Music (the Schulich School of Music), Science, and Arts.
αποκάλυψη τώρα
Done with the veil, the filters, the screening!
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Thursday, May 13, 2021

(Increase of evidence)
If I were suddenly to become known, and (put into a position to) conduct (a government) according to the Great Dao, what I should be most afraid of would be a boastful display.
The great Dao (or way) is very level and easy, but people love the by-ways.
Their court(-yards and buildings) shall be well kept, but their fields shall be ill-cultivated, and their granaries very empty. They shall wear elegant and ornamented robes, carry a sharp sword at their girdle, pamper themselves in eating and drinking, and have a superabundance of property and wealth; - such (princes) may be called robbers and boasters.
This is contrary to the Dao surely!

李榮 Lǐ Róng says, “A robber is someone who never has enough and who takes more than he needs.”
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Monday, May 10, 2021
《道德經 - Dao De Jing》 — May 8, 2021
their mind is the mind of the people
to the good they are good
to the bad they are good
until they become good
to the true ones they are true
to the false they are true
until they become true
in the world, sages are withdrawn
with the world, they merge their mind
people open their ears and eyes
sages cover theirs up”
《老子》, Laozi – (第四十九章,《紅松》翻譯,Taoteching, verse 49, translation by Red Pine)
蘇轍 Sūzhé says, “Emptiness has no form. It takes on the form of the ten thousand things. If emptiness had its own form it could not form anything else. Thus, sages have no mind of their own. They take on the minds of the people and treat everyone the same.”
宋徽宗 Sòng huīzōng says, “Because it is empty, the mind of a sage can receive. Because it is still, it can respond.”
Yencun says, “A mindless mind is the chief of all minds. Sages, therefore, have no mind of their own but embrace the minds of the people. Free of love and hate, they are not the enemy of evil or the friend of the good. They are not the protector of truth or the adversary of falsehood. They support like the earth and cover like the sky. They illuminate like the sun and transform like the spirit.”
王滂Wang Pang says, “Good and bad are the result of delusions, and delusions are the result of self-centred minds. Those who open themselves up to the Great Way, although their eyes see good and bad, their minds do not distinguish any differences. They don’t treat the bad with goodness out of pity but because they don’t perceive any difference. Although the ten thousand things are different, their differences are equally real and equally false. To see the real in the false and the false in the real is how the wisdom of sages differs from that of others.”
孔夫子Kǒng Fūzǐ says, “In their dealings with the world, great people are neither for nor against anyone. They follow whatever is right” (Lunyu:4.10).
王伾 Wang Pi says, “The mind of sages has no point of view, and their thoughts have no direction.”
法融 Jen Farong says, “Wherever sages go in the world, they act humble and withdrawn and blend in with others. They treat everyone, noble or commoner, rich or poor, with the same kindness and equality. Their mind merges with that of others. Ordinary people concentrate on what they hear and see and concern themselves with their own welfare. The sage’s mind is like that of a newborn baby, pure and impartial.”
唐玄宗 says, “Sages cover up the tracks of their mind by blending in with others.”
成玄英 Chéng Xuányīng says, “Stop the eyes and the ears, and the others senses will follow.”
And 紅松 Red Pine adds, “The Chinese word for mind, 心 also means ‘thoughts,’ ‘goals,’ ‘intentions,’ or ‘will.’ Thus, 《老子》 is not being philosophical here in saying ‘sages have no mind of their own,’ merely practical.”

Friday, May 7 |
"All that is material once existed in spirit, or the soul of the entity. Mind becomes the builder, the physical becomes the result." Edgar Cayce reading 3376-2
Friday, May 7, 2021
Le parfum des fleurs est un plaisir dont on ne se lasse pas
Arbres et arbustes à fleurs parfumées tel le magnolia qui dégage une odeur vanillée et citronnée, du lilas qui, en plus de sentir bon, produit des fleurs mellifères aux couleurs variées, de l’acacia et son doux parfum de fleurs d’oranger, ainsi que le tilleul et son odeur légèrement mentholée.
Egalement daphné odora et son délicieux parfum mêlant jacinthe, œillet et jasmin, ainsi que le mimosa qui dégage une odeur de violette, de miel ou encore de vanille, sans oublier la lavande qui attire les papillons et les abeilles.
#2 Les plantes odorantes
Le muguet et son odeur printanière, aux roses qui libèrent une petite note douce et envoûtante, ainsi qu’aux violettes qui dégagent un parfum puissant.
Le cosmos chocolat est une plante qui produit des fleurs semblables à des marguerites émettant une odeur de chocolat, le mahonia et ses fleurs jaunes à odeur de muguet, ainsi que le sarcoccoca et son parfum vanillé.
#3 Les grimpantes aux senteurs variées
Le chèvrefeuille et ses petites fleurs qui délivrent un parfum jasminé et miellé, les glycines et ses notes florales, sucrées et légèrement épicées, le jasmin et son parfum si reconnaissable.
L’akebia quinata qui possède de petites grappes de fleurs rouges qui dégagent un léger parfum de chocolat et d’agrumes, ou encore à la bignone qui diffuse une discrète odeur de café très caractéristique.
#4 Les plantes et fleurs malodorantes
Si de nombreuses plantes dégagent un parfum enivrant, toutes n’ont pas cette chance. Alors, pour éviter d’avoir de mauvaises surprises, voici celles qui sentent le plus mauvais : l’Hellébore fétide et son odeur de goudron, le Clérodendron de Bunge qui libère un parfum de caoutchouc brûlé, le Persicaria polymorpha qui peut être comparé à de l’urine de chat, l’Arum tacheté et ses petites notes d’excréments, ou encore le Podophyllum et son odeur aigre semblable à celle d’une vieille éponge.
#5 Mélanges sans abus
Attention à ne pas associer les plantes parfumées en un seul endroit du jardin. Trop de mélanges et les parfums pourront vite être entêtants. Alors, pour éviter ces petits désagréments, le mieux est de faire confiance à son odorat. Lui, au moins, ne nous trahira pas.
#6 Les bienfaits d’un jardin parfumé
En grande majorité, les fleurs et plantes odorantes sont aussi mellifères, c’est-à-dire qu’elles produisent des quantités importantes de nectar et de pollen. Résultat ? En invitant ces végétaux dans son jardin, nous attireons les abeilles, les papillons et autres insectes essentiels à la vie sur Terre. Et ça, c’est une excellente chose.
Once reckoned this leads to the letting go of the past or the future.