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Thursday, May 13, 2021






(Increase of evidence)

If I were suddenly to become known, and (put into a position to) conduct (a government) according to the Great Dao, what I should be most afraid of would be a boastful display.

The great Dao (or way) is very level and easy, but people love the by-ways.

Their court(-yards and buildings) shall be well kept, but their fields shall be ill-cultivated, and their granaries very empty. They shall wear elegant and ornamented robes, carry a sharp sword at their girdle, pamper themselves in eating and drinking, and have a superabundance of property and wealth; - such (princes) may be called robbers and boasters.

This is contrary to the Dao surely!

[Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)] English translation: James Legge

李榮 Lǐ Róng says, “A robber is someone who never has enough and who takes more than he needs.”

王伾Wang Pi says, “To gain possession of something by means other than the Way is wrong. And wrong means robbery.”

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