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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Freedom begins with the Realization that we are not 'the Thinker.'

The Moment we start Watching the Thinker, a Higher Level of Consciousness becomes Activated. We then begin to realize that there is a Vast Realm of Intelligence Beyond thought, that thought is Only a Tiny Aspect of that Intelligence. We also Realize that All the things that Truly matter ― Beauty, Creativity, Inner, Joy, PeaceLove ― Arise from Beyond the Mind. We Begin to Truly Awaken.

 ― Eckhart Tolle

The world which we perceive is a tiny fraction of the world which we can perceive, which is a tiny fraction of the perceivable world.

 ― Terence McKenna

We cannot suffer the past or future because they do not exist.
Memory creates a hallucination of the past, desire creates a hallucination of the future.
Time and space are just a creation of the mind, projections of consciousness.
Once we touch a dimension which is boundless, the idea of time and space disappears.

― सद्गुरु

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