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Sunday, May 22, 2022


I felt in need of a great pilgrimage so I sat still for three days.
― Hafiz, from Arabic حافظ‎ (ḥāfiẓ, “guardian, keeper”) or Khwāje Shams-od-Dīn Moḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī (Persian: خواجه شمس‌‌الدین محمّد حافظ شیرازی), known by his pen name Hafez (حافظ, Ḥāfeẓ, 'the memorizer; the (safe) keeper'; 1325–1390)

"Don't know much about history"
Or prehistory for what it worths
Yet they shape lives and belief systems
And permeate every aspect of the Life
So pregnantly that they veil the truth.
Similarly — what we take at face value —
What we call life, our history and legend,
Veils what we truly are

Amanda Sage

We are all beautiful source fractals that cannot be created or destroyed

The greater part of us exists in a non-localized field of primordial sentience that transcends the confines of the mind, matter, space and time. We are momentarily experiencing ourselves as ‘human beings’ (unique vantage points of consciousness) in order to experience a world of contrast, limitation, and disconnectedness.
We had temporarily forgotten the deeper reality of our Infinite Self & went on an imaginary, fun-filled vacation away from our unbroken, homogenous wholeness (an ego-trip via a human avatar).  By playing this Cosmic Hide and Seek Game, we had turned ourselves inside out & entered into a scary, funhouse filled with unlimited and unfolding possibilities.  

— Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)

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