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Monday, October 26, 2020




Dao De Jing:
(Returning to the unadulterated influence)

If we could renounce our sageness and discard our wisdom, it would be better for the people a hundredfold.
If we could renounce our benevolence and discard our righteousness, the people would again become filial and kindly.
If we could renounce our artful contrivances and discard our (scheming for) gain, there would be no thieves nor robbers.
Those three methods (of government)
Thought olden ways in elegance did fail
And made these names their want of worth to veil;
But simple views, and courses plain and true
Would selfish ends and many lusts eschew?



Discard "Wisdom," throw away "Knowledge" 一 the people will benefit a hundredfold.
Discard "Goodness," throw away "Morality" 一 the people will turn back to respect and care.
Discard "Skill," throw away "Profit" 一 robbers and thieves will disappear.
Taking these three lines as your text 一 this is not sufficient. Give them something to fasten on to:
Pay attention to the Raw, embrace the Uncarved, discount your personal interests, make your desires few, doing of the will of every man would put an end to vain ambitions and desires.

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