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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Boucle Bouclée

And today the loop is closedcompleting a full circle to return as it all started during the winter of 1971


Hexagram 56 is named  (lǚ), "Sojourning".

Other variations include "the wanderer" and "travelling".

Its inner trigram is ☶ ( gèn) bound = () mountain.

Its outer trigram is ☲ ( lí) radiance = () fire.

Character information
Unicode namehexagram for the wanderer
UTF-8228 183 183E4 B7 B7
Numeric character reference䷷䷷

There is a feeling that something is missing and now is a good time to undertake a quest to find out what.

 is also a reminder that when moving into any unfamiliar territory it is wise to tactful and courteous. Just because I do things differently to others doesn't mean I am right and they are wrong. I must be aware of the differences in customs and behaviour and act accordingly.

 should not be seen as a time to take a trip to escape from difficulties but as a time to gain knowledge.

tirage  : Le réceptif, dévoilé ici :

En Amour


Carte d'identité de l'hexagramme :

Sa composition :Le trigramme inférieur est Ken, l'immobilisation et le trigramme supérieur Li, « ce qui s'attache ».
Sa propriété :Mouvement
Son image :La montagne et le soleil
Mots-clés :Mouvement, aventure, découverte, désinvolture, errance.
Particularité :Cet hexagramme symbolise le feu au-dessus de la montagne.
Jugement :L'homme noble agit avec sagesse et prudence, il ne fait traîner aucun différend en longueur.

Dans le contexte actuel,  recommande de ne pas foncer à l'aveuglette, de rester prudent et constant pour traiter toute situation avec sérieux et efficacité. Face à de nouvelles données, il vaut mieux réagir avec humilité et souplesse. En s'adaptant aux circonstances, toutes les issues se révéleront enrichissantes et participeront à l'évolution.


"La joie est en tout; il faut savoir l’extraire". Confucius

Découvertes dans la sphère affective. Impossible de se référer à ses habitudes ou à l'expérience personnelle car les situations sont inédites et en apprennent beaucoup sur la propre affectivité, les besoins véritables et ceux de son partenaire. Célibataire, allant au-devant d'une rencontre marquante qui pourrait être un nouveau départ. Des déplacements, des nouveautés teintent cet hexagramme, il suffit d'anticiper cette influence bénéfique. Ne pas chercher à stabiliser les choses trop vite, profiter de cette période pour apprécier le présent.

Conseil : Restez serein et observateur, une attitude de retrait réceptif est le meilleur garant pour tirer le meilleur parti de cet hexagramme.

En couple :
Cet hexagramme indique que la place auprès de l'élu de son cœur n'est pas complètement assurée. S'il est souhaité maintenir sa pérennité, il est recommandé de ne pas se mêler d'affaires qui ne nous concernent pas. Pour le moment, la Sagesse est de ne pas trop se mettre en avant. Cet oracle dit que l'élu de son cœur est une personne dotée de bienveillance. Il serait donc regrettable et injuste de l'accabler de reproches. Cela compromettrait l'avenir en commun. Opter plutôt pour la prudence et rester en retrait quand il le faut. Cela apportera la réussite espérée.

Conseil : Faites preuve de prévoyance.

En solo :
Cet oracle indique que les amitiés vont faire connaître une personne qui est susceptible de plaire. Pour que cette rencontre soit une réussite, ne pas créer une distance en faisant preuve d'arrogance. Aussi, prendre garde à ne pas donner son avis sur des sujets qui ne nous concernent pas. Apporter une écoute attentive et bienveillante apportera le succès. Également, ne pas égarer dans des plaisanteries tapageuses. Cela ne créerait pas le lien espéré. Opter pour une attitude discrète, intelligente et positive. Cela enclenchera une énergie de succès à cette rencontre.

Conseil : Ne soyez pas étourdi.


"Plus le sage donne aux autres, plus il possède". Laozi

Cet oracle évoque les liens avec une famille avec laquelle il n'y pas de liens forts. Ne pas penser qu'elle nous traite comme une personne étrangère alors que pour le moment, notre place n'est pas encore assurée. Cet hexagramme recommande de savoir rester en retrait lorsque cela est nécessaire. Aussi, il conseille d'avoir la sagesse de ne pas s'immiscer dans des affaires qui ne nous concernent pas directement.

Cette famille offre son hospitalité mais il faut rester sur ses gardes en ne se laissant pas aller à trop de familiarités. Cela donnerait une mauvaise image et cela serait regrettable pour les relations futures qui sont amenées, avec le temps, à être heureuses et fructueuses.


"Celui qui sait se satisfaire aura toujours le nécessaire". Laozi

En cas de besoin d'argent pour acquérir un bien, cet hexagramme recommande d'adopter une attitude réservée et prudente dans les échanges avec le milieu bancaire. Les trigrammes indiquent qu'il vaut mieux éviter de créer un lien amical par des plaisanteries. Un comportement sérieux engendrera un climat de confiance. Rester modéré dans son apparence.  conseille de ne pas trop se mettre en avant dans les démarches.

Restez obligeant à l'égard de ses interlocuteurs. Grâce à cela, le succès désiré sera obtenu. Conseil : être toujours juste et ferme.


"Choisissez un travail que vous aimez et vous n'aurez pas à travailler un seul jour de votre vie".

Proverbe chinois

La situation sociale évolue dans un nouvel univers dans lequel on ne possède pas de relation. Rester dans la prudence et sur la réserve. Ne pas penser que c'est en misant sur la plaisanterie que l'on nouera des relations. Bien au contraire. Pour asseoir sa place et la conserver, rester sur la ligne de l'humilité et de la discrétion.

Se nouera une amitié sur laquelle il sera possible de compter à condition que l'on ne prenne pas parti dans des affaires qui ne nous concernent pas. Privilégier une attitude cordiale et réservée nous fera recommander auprès d'une personne qui nous confiera plus de responsabilités. Le but sera atteint. Conseil : Ne pas se laisser prendre par du "copinage" qui se retournerait contre soi.


"Le sage peut découvrir le monde sans franchir sa porte". Laozi

La révélation spirituelle se produit en nous par le biais de moyens multiples. La voie peut se trouver en expérimentant philosophies, religions, idéaux, divers et variés. Le parcours initiatique est sans frontières. Il ne se limite pas à une idée mais à plusieurs. Des écrivains, des artistes inspirés peuvent aussi être des sources de révélation.

L'important est que l'on reste toujours humble et réservé lorsque des idées, des philosophies, des religions nous interpellent. En faisant preuve d'arrogance, la route s'arrête là et les portes se ferment. Pour que le voyage initiatique soit un accomplissement et pour que les portes s'ouvrent,  toujours garder le cœur ouvert.

"Put self rather, then, in the hands, in the mind, of the DIVINE from within, and not attempting, not TRYING to be good, to be kind, to be thoughtful - but just BE, and CONSECRATE self to the service of others. This peace, this quietness that will come within self from such, will find a ready answer in the mind, in the heart, in the life, in the expression of those - everyone - whom the body contacts."
Edgar Cayce reading 5563-1

 (The Wanderer)

易經卦 56
 (The Wanderer)

Action: Explore

互卦 (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust Hexagram 28 is named 大過 (dà guò), "Great Exceeding". Other variations include "preponderance of the great", "great surpassing" and "critical mass". Its inner trigram is ☴ ( xùn) ground = () wind, and its outer trigram is ☱ ( duì) open = () swamp.



综卦 (underlying cause) 60 Limitation: RegulateHexagram 60 is named  (jié), "Articulating". Other variations include "limitation" and "moderation". Its inner trigram is ☱ ( duì) open = () swamp, and its outer trigram is ☵ ( kǎn) gorge = () water.



And the still deeper secret of the secret:
the land that is nowhere, that is your true home.

He had the uneasy manner of a man who is not among his own kind,
and who has not seen enough of the world to feel
that all people are in some sense his own kind. – Willa Cather

Reading at a Glance: It is said that the greatest Wanderers do not know where they are going. This is the openness required to follow the Way. After the zenith of the previous hexagram, there usually follows an anti-climax where the atmosphere becomes uncertain again.  symbolizes the message that it is the journey and not the destination that is important. Something is changing and you will need to be flexible to adapt. Familiar routines and comfort zones will no longer do. The hidden influence of Critical Mass shows the importance of not becoming too complacent where stability can lead to stagnation and even collapse. The underlying cause of Limitation shows the opposite condition, where we hold to the familiar and abide by rules. For now, the vistas open before you and like the Fool in the Tarot deck, it is time for an adventure. Taking the road less travelled or leaving the ordinary behind is the only way to invigorate your sense of discovery. Wandering or travelling is an opportunity to examine the baggage you carry with you. Perhaps it is time to lighten your load? You may be changing residences or careers and an open-minded attitude will serve you well as you approach the changes. You can be a gardener of people and yourself by acknowledging how individual differences can lead you to experience something different about yourself. Your way is only one way, so be open to what Wandering into the unknown can teach you.

The greatest traveller

has no itinerary.

When travelling,

be a gardener

of every new experience.

“Whatever greatness may exhaust itself upon, this much is certain: it loses a home. Hence follows the idea of the wanderer.” You may follow the path of the Wanderer, mastering the art of living in a place without boundaries: “This is the deeper secret of the secret. The land that is nowhere, that is the true home. When some people travel, they merely contemplate what is before their eyes; when I travel I contemplate mutability.” When you wander in the land of Te, all of life is a place of discovery. You push onward toward new horizons because “the greatest traveller does not know where he is going.” If you follow, there are no limits to what you might become.

When far from home, you take your inner treasure and ritual along. “When the heart is uneasy, we support it with ritual.” Your daily ‘ritual’ is more obvious when you are forced to pack it for a long journey. To travel with companions, much energy is wasted in fortifying the dynamics of familiar routines. When you are travelling alone, you are more authentic and free to discover your real capabilities.

Some part of you is active during dreaming, where you access an awareness that becomes a postcard sent to awaken the one who sleeps by day. Each night, you travel back and forth from a strange land to understand the real essence of who you might become. When you dream, you access a place “as though there is no home to go back to.” When morning comes, you travel “across the doorsill where the two worlds touch.” Yet, you are always travelling across a tapestry that transcends boundaries. This is the openness required to be a Wanderer.

In the image of people loyal to a home that is far away, the Wanderer points to an endless expanse of sky and shows you how the horizon is an illusion and that there are no real boundaries to your capabilities. The seed of self-realization is unfolding regardless of where you are. The current situation will not linger, and you will soon travel onward, although you have developed a sense of loyalty to carry with you. Everywhere you go, there you are, in a giant tapestry of your unfolding.

To approach the mystery of Tao, “you cannot take hold of it, but you cannot lose it. In not being able to get it, you get it. When you are silent, it speaks; when you speak, it is silent. The great gate is wide open to bestow alms, and no crowd is blocking the way.” When you discover the great gate, you may lose a paradigm, but will discover your true home.

Unchanging: The Wanderer is not home = enjoy the road less travelled. Receiving the Wanderer unchanging can show a current lack of commitment or an undecided situation similar to the Hanged Man in the tarot deck. Its message that all things become softer in time shows that if you give the situation time and remain flexible it can change in your favour. The Wanderer symbolizes the unknown period that follows any zenith so while you are seeking a definitive answer there is much that is evolving in the situation. Separations or an unplanned change can be on the horizon. You may have the opportunity to experience an entirely new way of life. Unchanging, the message is to let go of preconceived thoughts and remain open to the unfamiliar.

Line 1 The wanderer is caught up in trivial things = this leads to misfortune. Changes to (30) Clarity. You are in a situation where others may not understand your actions. Respect the needs and routines of others and seek more to understand rather than be understood. Pushing your agenda on others can only annoy them. This is a time of learning from an unfamiliar situation so remain open to how you might change your way of thinking or responding.

Line 2 The wanderer arrives carrying possessions on the back = winning a committed young servant. Changes to (50) Cauldron. Although you are operating in an unfamiliar environment you are respected for being modest and flexible. This leads others to help you. The Cauldron can show sacrifices made for the benefit of the group. In this situation, life can be reduced to bare necessities so that your sense of value can go through a transformation and lead to a stronger partnership.

Line 3 The wanderer's inn burns down and the young servant is lost = danger. Changes to (35) Progress. Rather than appreciate the kindness of others in a situation where you are being aided, your behaviour is not winning you, friends. This line is a warning not to bite the hand of those who feed you. Beware of impulsive responses that burn bridges in a way that you lose the support of others.

Line 4 The wanderer rests in a shelter and obtains property and an axe = but the heart is not glad. Changes to (52) Keeping Still. While you have arrived in a comfortable situation and your basic needs are met, the overall atmosphere is not fulfilling. Respecting others and biding your time leads to greater opportunity in the future. Examine what is missing in the current situation and whether it is just your attitude that requires adjustment.

Line 5 The wanderer shoots a pheasant with an arrow = this brings praise and an opportunity for advancement. Changes to (33) Retreat. There are behaviours required in this situation that you may not be comfortable with but are necessary for establishing a connection. Because you demonstrate a willingness to abide by the accepted norms others open to you. Retreat shows how strength and character can be asserted in a peaceful way. Shooting a pheasant was a customary introduction when foreigners visited new territories and offered it as a gift so a sacrifice may be in order.

Line 6 The nest burns up, at first the wanderer laughs and later weeps = losing the cow in the process leads to misfortune. Changes to (62) Small Exceeding. Through carelessness or selfishness, one loses their resting place. In the beginning, it may not seem so bad but later one feels remorse and realizes the consequences of their actions. Rather than appreciating what one had and remaining modest like a cow, selfish motives lead to misfortune. There will be plenty of time for regret and repentance.

*This page provides insight on the following combinations: Hexagram 56 unchanging Hexagram 56.1 Hexagram 56.1.2 Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram 56.2 Hexagram 56.2.3 Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram 56.3 Hexagram 56.3.4 Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram 56.4 Hexagram 56.4.5 Hexagram Hexagram 56.5 Hexagram 56.5.6 Hexagram 56.6

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