Going from ䷷ 56 to ䷸ 57
in 3 moves
from 旅 (lǚ), "Sojourning", "the wanderer" and "travelling" (inner trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and outer trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire) to 巽 (xùn), "Ground", "the gentle (the penetrating, wind)" and "calculations" (inner & outer trigrams are both ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind) making use of the παράκλητος as (1st) an advocate (2nd 6 陰 into 2nd 9 陽) and (2nd) a witness (4th 9 陽 into 4th 6 陰), but also and finally (3rd) one who consoles this disciple (5th 6 陰 into 5th 9 陽, the master of the hexagram) and keeping "all" within the realm of the V (50 to 59, limited by 60 ䷻)?
Or decrypting ䷷ 56, using the cryptic keys?
56 ䷷ through 61 ䷼
中孚 (zhōng fú), "Center Returning" or "inner truth" and "central return" [inner trigram is ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and outer trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind]
by progressing from 56 to the reversed mix of 57 & 58, two of the 8 Trigrams.
56 ䷷ through 62 ䷽
小過 (xiǎo guò), "Small Exceeding" or "preponderance of the small" and "small surpassing" [☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, for inner trigram and ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = (雷) thunder, as outer trigram] the easiest 道, because it needs only the turning of 上九 (6 9*, the upper Nine) into 上六 (6 6*, the upper six) i.e. ☲ (離 [lí, radiance = (火) fire] the ionization] into ☳ (震 [zhèn, shake = (雷) the awakener] => Hence Escaping the Ionization process by opening to the Awakening = बुद्धः
or finally,
56 ䷷ through 63 ䷾
"already fording" 既濟
Completion Achieved by reversing 坎 29 & 離 30, i.e. reaching out of the limits "self-imposed" while entering and exploring the realms between 31
[named 咸** (xián), "Conjoining" or "influence (wooing)" and "feelings" with ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain as inner trigram, and ☱ (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, as outer trigram]
& 60, its own confinement.
* turning 69, Cancri & Rhône [Gaulish name of the river *Rodonos or *Rotonos (from a PIE root *ret- "to run, roll" frequently found in river names)] into 66 [Πυρήνη, daughter of King Bebrycius and a lover (or victim, depending on the myth) of Heracles. She bore a serpent and became so terrified that she fled to the woods where she died. Heracles created a tomb for her by piling up rocks thus forming the mountain range of the Pyrénées, named after her] Pyrénées-Orientales (Occitanie)
all; completely
† together
† united; in harmony
† common; popular; widespread
† to finish; to terminate
31st hexagram of the 易經
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