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Friday, September 6, 2019


Look for it and you will not see it; its name is called invisible.
Listen for it and it cannot be heard; its name is called soundless.
Try to touch it and you will not be able to grasp it; its name is called formless.
It will do you no good to scrutinize these three.
They merge and become one.

Those above are not light.
Those below are not dark.

An unbroken thread. An unbroken thread that cannot be named.
It again returns to the original state.
It is a shape without a shape.
It is an image without substance.
This is called illusory and inexplicable.

Go toward it and you do not see its face.
Follow it and you do not see its back.

Retain the ancient ways of the Tao in order to take hold of the present.
You have the power to know the Source.
This is called the Tao’s unbroken thread.

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