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Thursday, February 6, 2020

林shi《道德经》 第三章


1. 夫: Originally read: "天". 據河上公本、《馬王堆老子乙》改。

3. If you do not adulate the worthy


If you do not adulate the worthy, you will make others non-contentious.
If you do not value rare treasures, you will stop others from stealing.
If people do not see desirables, they will not be agitated.

Therefore, when the sage governs,
He clears people's minds,
Fills their bellies,
Weakens their ambition and
Strengthens their bones.

If the people are kept without cleverness and desire
It will make the intellectuals not dare to meddle.

Acting without contrivance, there is no lack of manageability.

趣觀 | 漫畫道德經(第三章)-雪花新聞

Dao De Jing Chapter 3 - WorldPeace
Feb 4 at 5:07 AM

趣觀 | 漫畫道德經(第三章)-雪花新聞

3.1 Exalting people create the desire in others to be exalted and therefore creates tension.
3.2 Overvaluing goods create the desire for ownership and therefore creates the temptation to steal.
3.3 When people do not distinguish things as valuable, they remain focused on the oneness of all things and do not become confused in the material world.
3.4 Therefore, harmonious leaders empty people's minds but nourish their bodies. They undermine desires and improve endurance.
3.5 They keep the people focused on their oneness with Infinity and free them from attachments to material things. They redirect the energies of those who would manipulate others.
3.6 If you remember your oneness with Infinity, and flow with life by refusing to distinguish good and bad, you will flow in the peace and harmony that is the essence of Infinity.
趣觀 | 漫畫道德經(第三章)-雪花新聞
趣觀 | 漫畫道德經(第三章)-雪花新聞
趣觀 | 漫畫道德經(第三章)-雪花新聞

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