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Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday, September 25,2022

"For these temporal things must pass away,

but that spiritual house, that temple

— that cleanliness so akin to godliness — 

is that which lives on and on."

Edgar Cayce reading 262-109

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.

For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”

― William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: In Full Color

William Blake. Two scholars copied "Proverbs of Hell" from the devil's scroll.

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, copy I, 1827, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England.

The world had a beginning

And this beginning could be the mother of the world.

When you know the mother

Go on to know the child.

After you have known the child

Go back to holding fast to the mother,

And to the end of your days, you will not meet with danger.

Block the openings,

Shut the doors,

And all your life you will not run dry.

Unblock the openings,

Add to your troubles,

And to the end of your days, you will be beyond salvation.

To see the small is called discernment;

To hold fast to the submissive is called strength.

Use the light

But give up the discernment.

Bring not misfortune upon yourself.

This is known as following the constant.

Dao De Jing II. 52

 Lau 52

天 下 有 始 , 以 為 天 下 母 。
既 得 其 母 , 以 知 其 子 ,
复 守 其 母 , 沒 身 不 殆 。
塞 其 兌 , 閉 其 門 , 終 身 不 勤 。
開 其 兌 , 濟 其 事 , 終 身 不 救 。
見 小 曰 明 , 守 柔 曰 強 。
用 其 光 , 复 歸 其 明 ,
無 遺 身 殃 ﹔ 是 為 襲 常 。

 老 子: 「道 德 经」 : 第 五 十 二 章

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