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Friday, September 23, 2022

The Fall

UTC 0923 01:03:04

Libra by Johfra Bosschart, The Zodiac Series - Lunar Mansion XVI The Scales

Days of Fall & Incarnation
0920 — 0929

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

"Not in ䷲ 震 51, the storm, the lightning,

nor in any of the loud noises as are made to attract humans,

but rather in the still small voice from within

does the impelling influence comes to life."

ECRL 239-1

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

"The experience or sojourn in the earth is not by chance,

but the natural spiritual and soul evolution of the individual."

ECRL 2271-1

Friday, September 23, 2022

"All body portions come under varied cycles as changes are wrought.

The body fully and completely changes in seven years. Yet this is continually going on, and various portions change at different reflex periods."

Edgar Cayce reading 3688-1

Serpent Cosm, Principle of Vibration

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