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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Mysterium Coniunctionis
Carl Gustav Jung Gesammelte Werke Nr. 14

(jì jì)

the outer (upper) trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water,
the inner (lower) trigram is  (離 lí) radiance = () fire,


(坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, Tiger of the above Waters
(離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, Tiger of the local fire

Calabi-Yau Manifold

باز آ باز آ هر آنچه هستی باز آ گر کافر و گبر و بت‌پرستی باز آ این درگه ما درگه نومیدی نیست صد بار اگر توبه شکستی باز
Open, open, whatever you are, open, if you are a disbeliever, fool, and idolater, open, this door is not the door of despair, if you repent a hundred times, open.
— Abū Saʿīd Abū'l-Khayr or Abusa'id Abolkhayr : ابوسعید ابوالخیر
  ➥ from Asrar al-Tawhid fi Maghamat al-Sheikh Abusa'id (Persian: اسرار التوحید فی مقامات ابوسعید, Arabic: اسرار التوحيد في مقامات ابو سعيد, "The Mysteries of Unification"

We have a way from this visible world to the Unseen,
For we are the companions of Religions Messenger.
We have a way from the house to the garden,
we are the neighbour of the cypress and jasmine.
Every day we come to the garden
and see a hundred blossoms.
In order to scatter them among the lovers,
we will our robes to overflowing. Behold our words!
They are the fragrance of those roses -
we are the rosebush of certainty's rose garden.
— Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi (جلال‌الدین محمد رومی) Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi (جلال‌الدین محمد بلخى)‎ 
دیوان به نقل از اسلام کلاسیک و سنت صوفیانه نقشبندی نوشته محمد هشام کبانی ص 195
Divan as quoted in Classical Islam and the Naqshbandi Sufi Tradition By Muhammad Hisham Kabbani p.195

Sunday, November 6, 2022

"But hope and trust and faith in the divine within — the revivifying, the rejuvenating of that spirit of life and truth within every atom of the body. This will put to flight all of those things that hinder a body from giving expression of the most hopeful, the most beautiful."

ECRL 572-5

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