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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Representing a quail chick. In semi-cursive hieroglyphic writing, the head tends to be summarized as a hook. This glyph was conventionally coloured yellow. The source of its phonetic value is yet unknown.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

"May we each — as individuals and as a group — come to know ourselves,
even as we are known, that we — As lights in U(s) —
 may give the better concept of (o)U(r) Spirit in this world."

 ECRL 262-5

A — 5/6 Vowels  Y

From the notion of a mothering vowel mating with a fathering consonant
and giving birth to an unsettled mora

up/down and everything in between

Top-Down, Bottom-Up and Everything In-Between

Quantum Physics

  • Top-down usually encompasses a vast universe of macro variables while bottom-up is more narrowly focused.
  • Top-down investing strategies typically focus on exploiting opportunities that follow cycles.
  • Bottom-up approaches start with local, specific variables and then expand outward.
  • Fundamental analysis is an example of a bottom-up investment approach.
  • While top-down and bottom-up are distinctly different, they are often used in conjunction with one another.
 Elementary Particles 
The elementary particles are what make up protons, electrons, and neutrons.  Essentially materializing everything in the known (and perhaps the unknown) universe.
There are three different types of elementary particles.  Quarks, Leptons, and Bosons.
Quarks and Lepton can also be considered fermions.
Quarks  Help make protons and neutrons
Leptons  just exist.  They don't interact. Except for the electron
    electron neutrino 
    muon neutrino
    muon  free roaming electron
    tau neutrino   only exists in theory, and hasn't been discovered
    tau  free roaming electron, heavier than a muon
Bosons  the force carriers
   ➥ particle with totally symmetric composite quantum states, which exempts them from the Pauli exclusion principle, and that hence obeys Bose-Einstein statistics. They have integer spin. Among them are many elementary particles, and some (gauge bosons) are known to carry the fundamental forces.
    photon  carries the electromagnetic force  γ
    gluon  carries the strong nuclear force  g
    z weak force  carries the weak nuclear force
    w weak force  carries the weak nuclear force
   ➥ γυ (Gy/Gw or 根 ㄍㄣ & 元 ㄩㄢˊ) the electroweak interaction or electroweak force is the unified description of two of the four known fundamental interactions of nature: electromagnetism and weak interaction. Mathematically, electromagnetism is unified with the weak interactions as a Yang-Mills field with an SU(2) × U(1) gauge group, which describes the formal operations that can be applied to the electroweak gauge fields without changing the dynamics of the system. These fields are the weak isospin fields W1, W2, and W3, and the weak hypercharge field B. This invariance is known as electroweak symmetry.

The generators of SU(2) and U(1) are given the name weak isospin (labelled T) and weak hypercharge (labelled Y) respectively. These then give rise to the gauge bosons which mediate the electroweak interactions – the three W bosons of weak isospin (W1, W2, and W3), and the B boson of weak hypercharge, respectively, all of which are "initially" massless. These are not physical fields yet, before spontaneous symmetry breaking and the associated Higgs mechanism.

In the Standard Model, the W± and Z0 bosons, and the photon, are produced through the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the electroweak symmetry SU(2) × U(1)y to U(1)em,[b] effected by the Higgs mechanism, an elaborate quantum field theoretic phenomenon that "spontaneously" alters the realization of the symmetry and rearranges degrees of freedom.

The electric charge arises as the particular linear combination (nontrivial) of Yw (weak hypercharge) and the T3 component of weak isospin
that does not couple to the Higgs boson. That is to say: The Higgs and the electromagnetic field have no effect on each other, at the level of the fundamental forces ("tree level"), while any other combination of the hypercharge and the weak isospin must interact with the Higgs. This causes an apparent separation between the weak force, which interacts with the Higgs, and electromagnetism, which does not. Mathematically, the electric charge is a specific combination of the hypercharge and T3 outlined in the figure.

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