A local and limited approach to the ElMaw•StG omnipresence
Every element is made out of electrons and atoms.
As such, the human body is made up of trillions of ䷝ 30 離 ions, atoms, and molecules. It is an electrical being with different resonance, charge and polarity within every cell, the health of which depends on the balance of the charge.
These ䷝ 30 離 ions are nothing but atoms with one or more extra or missing electrons.
When an atom is missing electrons, it gains a positive charge and when an atom has extra electrons it gains a negative charge. Thus the major players in creating electrical energy in the body are the above-mentioned ions. In turn, this electrical energy allows the cells to be powered by a very low level of voltage.
Thus, the cells in the human body act like miniature batteries or electrical generators. The nervous system uses this electrical energy to create nerve impulses that help to transmit messages from one part to another.
Imbalances in the activities of these ions can lead to dysfunctions in the conduction of the electrical messages thus triggering the development of several disorders. Dysfunctions can quickly lead to general body disturbances resulting in the widespread loss of energetic stability within the bio-spiritual field of the body.
For example, the dysfunctions related to the conduction of electrical messages can hamper the internal messaging mechanisms between the cells thus blocking the conduction of messages from the brain or the guts to the other parts of the body.
The electrical activities in the body primarily occur in the cell membranes. The cell membrane helps to maintain an appropriate voltage or “charge”. The healthy cells have a transmembrane potential of 80 to 100 millivolts. This charge causes the cells to vibrate at a specific frequency.
Lifestyle factors like exposure to toxins, low oxygenation, lack of adequate physical movements, sound pollution, dehydration, and nutritional deficiencies can influence the magnetic fields in the body at the cellular level due to which the frequency of vibration of cells is affected.
This can cause immense damage to the tissues putting them at risk of inflammation, oxidative stress, cancerous changes, autoimmunity, and much more.
For instance, cancer cells have a transmembrane potential of just 20 or 25 millivolts. When these cells are damaged, the voltage of the cell membrane drops. As a result, the voltage inside the cell increases due to which the functions of the cell organelles like mitochondria and nucleus are affected. This causes the cells to continue to divide in an uncontrollable manner leading to the spread and growth of cancer mass.
Also, when the membrane voltage becomes low, the membrane channels can not function efficiently. This can trigger a domino effect that contributes to the development and progress of diseases.
The use of therapies that induce electromagnetic stimulation can restore the electromagnetic bio-communication between the cells and prevent the development of disease linked to the loss of efficient nerve conduction.
PEMF therapy, or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, is a revolutionary therapy system that not only gets rid of pain deep inside the body but can also take health and wellness to new heights. This advanced therapy has helped thousands of people ease their discomfort. Whether with minor body aches or debilitating arthritis, PEMF is something to consider.
PEMF therapy basically works by sending electromagnetic waves through the body to heal and rejuvenate cells. This strengthens the body naturally and safely. When PEMF is used, improvements in physical and mental states are noticed.
PEMF therapy sends electromagnetic currents through the body by generating them in a set of coils. These coils are electrically charged and, when they are activated, release these waves. Using a PEMF frequency of 7.83 Hz ― the natural magnetic frequency of the earth ― allows the body to return to its natural and optimum state. Each of the cells throughout the human body has a membrane. The membrane is like an “outer shell” that allows molecules to pass in and out of the cell. It also has an electromagnetic charge that determines how permeable the membrane is. When that membrane’s charge is weakened, it doesn’t allow as many molecules and nutrients to pass through the cell. It also slows down the process of removing waste to keep the cell clean.
When the cells are exposed to PEMF, the electromagnetic charge of the membrane becomes balanced, making the membrane more permeable. This allows the necessary amount of nutrients to enter the cell and cleanses it of toxins. PEMF therapy also improves circulation through blood vessels and the heart.
Because cells make up the entire human body, when they are healthier, so is the rest of the body.
The effects that PEMF has on the cells can give the body so many health and wellness benefits from a physical level to a mental one. These can include:
- Pain reduction
- Bone regeneration
- Arthritis and stiffness relief
- Improved focus and energy
- Relief from depression and anxiety
- Maintaining hydration
- Generating nerve impulses essential for muscle movements
- Maintenance of the pH level in the blood
- Transportation of nutrients to the cells
- Supporting mental functioning by strengthening neural networks
- Building a foundation for the enzymatic activities
- Converting calories into a usable source of energy
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) consists of waves. The waves contain electric and magnetic energy.
The electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) includes different types of energy waves. At one end of the spectrum, there are very low energy waves. Radio waves are an example of low-energy waves. At the other end of the spectrum, there are very high-energy waves. Gamma rays are an example of high-energy waves.
Frequency and wavelength are used to describe EMR. Frequency refers to the number of waves per second. Wavelength refers to the distance between two adjacent wave peaks. The higher a wave’s frequency, the shorter its wavelength. For example, gamma rays have a very small wavelength and very high frequency. They also have a lot of energy!
There are seven natural forms of EMR. Gamma rays have the highest energy and shortest wavelength. Then come X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared radiation and microwave radiation. Finally, radio waves have the lowest energy and longest wavelength.
Humans can only sense two parts of the EMS. They can feel infrared radiation and they can see visible light. Radio waves, X-rays and gamma rays can pass through the body but cannot be seen or felt.
Radiation can be either non-ionizing or ionizing.
Non-ionizing radiation doesn’t have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules. That means it can not cause atoms to gain or lose electrons.
There are several types of non-ionizing radiation. They include near ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves and radio waves. Even if it can not ionize atoms, these types of radiation are not completely harmless. For example, microwaves have enough energy to cook food. And ultraviolet light can provoke sunburn.
Ionizing radiation has enough energy to remove electrons from atoms. This creates ䷝ 30 離 ions.
Ionizing radiation includes far-ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays. These types of high-energy radiation can cause cancer or even kill cells directly. That is why it is compulsory to wear a lead apron when getting a dental X-ray.
The amount of radiation in a single X-ray is not harmful! But the radiation from a large number of X-rays could be dangerous. That is the reason why people who operate X-ray equipment leave the room.
Electromagnetic radiation travels in little packets (quanta) of energy. These charge-less bundles of energy are called photons. They travel at the speed of light (2.998 × 108 m/s) in a vacuum.
Particle radiation is made up of atomic or subatomic particles. These particles include protons, neutrons and electrons. They all have kinetic energy which is the energy an object has when it is in motion.
Both alpha particles and beta particles produce ionizing radiation. The charge they carry can remove electrons from atoms. They can also interact directly with an atom’s electrons through Coulombic forces.
Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons. These particles are large, slow-moving and positively charged. An alpha particle is identical to the nucleus of a helium atom.
Beta particles are small and fast-moving. They can have a positive charge (positrons) or a negative charge (electrons).
Each alpha particle has two protons and two neutrons. A beta particle can be a high-speed electron or positron.
Neutrons are particles located in the nucleus of an atom. Unlike protons and electrons, they are not charged.
Neutron radiation is a type of indirectly ionizing radiation. It is made up of free neutrons that have been released from atoms.
Free neutrons can react with the nuclei of other atoms to form isotopes. These isotopes can then emit radiation, such as gamma rays. Neutron radiation is called indirectly ionizing radiation. That’s because it doesn’t ionize atoms in the same way as charged particles.
A neutron strikes a larger nucleus in an inelastic collision.
The energy gained by the nucleus is released as Gamma-ray photons. The neutron still has a considerable amount of energy.
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