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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Diversion 改道, the way thither and the way off
dēviātiō*: avoidance, evasion, off the「道」lead
a different route to travel

Lonely but not alone, Marcos Alvarado

At times, the grip of the claws of the crab weakens.
It then might let go from its grasp some of the ten thousand things ― a flagrant use of the destroying and appropriate aspect of the electroweak interaction ― "un acte manqué", an unconsciously deliberate show of a direction to be modified, a situation to be swiftly remedied upon and a reminder of the fact that it once deviated or better, was diverted ― confounded by the immediate and apparent similarity of ䷲ and ䷀, mistakenly confusing (fifty-)one for the real One and then rushing foolishly into an over empowered ䷳ instead of    the real ㄇㄚ, M' ― 
➥ intellect instead of intelligence (intellectualisation process painfully achieved over time instead of practical intelligence, as a result  ― and a placebo ―  of leaving in awe the High Way).
➥ désintellectualisation/detoxication/rehab/skinning, churning and fording (49/50/63)

Breaking the pattern, Marcos Alvarado

* dēviō (“I deviate”) +‎ -tiō (“-tion”)


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