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Friday, December 16, 2022

Al  Ma
alma māter
all-embracing mother of the divine
3 in-1 natural force
electroweak interaction: unified description of the electromagnetic interaction and weak nuclear interaction

 one • אֵל • 𒀭• 電 • the electric force • 乾ㄑㄧㄢˊ first of the eight trigrams (八卦) used in 道教 cosmology, represented by the symbol ☰ and first hexagram of the 周易, represented by the symbol ䷀ 

⚋ two • מַיִם • (máyim, waters) • magnetic fields and magnetic force • 坤 ㄎㄨㄣ eighth of the eight trigrams (八卦) used in 道教 cosmology, represented by the symbol ☷ and second hexagram of the 周易, represented by the symbol ䷁ 

Friday, December 16, 2022

"It is the spirit, the purpose, the ideal with which you think, you speak, you act, that will determine what the fruit of your life and thoughts will be."

ECRL 3459-1


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