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Saturday, March 6, 2021



《道德經》 第七十章



Dào De Jing, Chapter  Seventy ― James Legge

(The difficulty of being (rightly) known)

My words are very easy to know and very easy to practise,
but there is no one in the world who is able to know and able to practise them.
There is an originating and all-comprehending (principle) in my words and an authoritative law for the things (which I enforce). It is because they do not know these, that men do not know me.
They who know me are few, and I am on that account (the more) to be prized. It is thus that the sage wears (a poor garb of) hair cloth, while he carries his (signet of) jade in his bosom.

Dào De Jing 70 ― Arthur Waley

My words are very easy to understand
And very easy to put into practice.
Yet no one under heaven understands them;
No one puts them into practice.
But my words have an ancestry, my deeds have a lord;
And it is precisely because men do not understand this
That they are unable to understand me.
Few then understand me, but it is upon this very fact my value depends.
It is indeed in this sense that “the Sage wears hair-cloth on top,
But carries jade underneath his dress.”

Dào De Jing Chapter 70 ― Herman Ould

My words are very easy to grasp and very easy to carry out;
Yet few on earth understand them, and few carry them out.
Nevertheless, my words have an ancestor;
My actions have a master.
And because they, my words' ancestors and my actions' master, are not understood, nor shall I be understood.
Those who understand me are but few,
But their fewness does not lessen my worth.
For the Sage goes clothed in coarse and simple garments,
But he wears a jewel hidden in his bosom.

1. Words are true: speeches have a certain theme.
2、事有君:辦事有一定的根據。一本“君”作“主”。 “君”指有所本。
2. There is a rule for everything: There is a certain basis for doing things. A "jun" as the "master". "Jun" means to have a foundation.
My words are easy to understand and easy to implement. But people in the world rarely know it, and rarely do it.
My remarks have roots, and I have a basis for doing things. Many people are not ignorant, but cannot understand my remarks. There are too few people who can understand me, and those who do things according to my theory are even more precious.
Therefore, a saint often walks in the world like a person wearing coarse cloth and carrying a beautiful jade.

  1. ancestral temple
  2. ancestors or elders of a people
  3. family: 宗法  ―  zōngfǎ  ―  patriarchal clan system
  4. having the same ancestry: 宗兄  ―  zōngxiōng  ―  elder brother
  5. school; sect: 禪宗 / 禅宗  ―  chánzōng  ―  Zen
  6. main purpose: 宗旨  ―  zōngzhǐ  ―  aim
  7. to revere; to respect
  8. to follow
  9. (historical) an administrative division in historical Tibet, equivalent to a county 當雄宗 / 当雄宗  ―  Dāngxióng Zōng  ―  Damxung dzong
  10. Classifier for legal cases.
  11. Classifier for cases of sickness: 初步診斷有41宗病例,其中一宗死亡[…]香港醫學會傳染病顧問委員會主席梁子超,在本台節目《星期六問責》說,相比同類型病毒,例如中東呼吸綜合症及沙士,今次武漢至今僅一宗死亡個案,相信此病毒性肺炎的死亡率不算高。 [MSC, trad.] 初步诊断有41宗病例,其中一宗死亡[…]香港医学会传染病顾问委员会主席梁子超,在本台节目《星期六问责》说,相比同类型病毒,例如中东呼吸综合症及沙士,今次武汉至今仅一宗死亡个案,相信此病毒性肺炎的死亡率不算高。 From 2020 January 11, RTHK, 醫學會專家相信武漢不明原因病毒性肺炎死亡率不算高 41 tentative diagnoses, with 1 death among them […] Hong Kong Medical Association Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee leader LEUNG Chi-chiu said in our program "Saturday Accountability" that compared to viruses of the same type, such as MERS and SARS, Wuhan has only had one case of death so far; he believes that the death rate of this viral pneumonia cannot be considered to be high.
 Phono-semantic compound (形聲, OC *Klun) and ideogrammic compound (會意): phonetic 尹 (OC *ɢʷlinʔ, “(hand holding a rod) to administer”) + semantic 口 (“mouth”). In the oracle bones and early Zhou bronze inscriptions, 君 (jūn) was often interchanged with 尹. Shuowen suggests that 口 represents commands, but it may simply be decorative.

Etymology: “lord; prince”
        ➥Unknown. Here are several possibilities:
  • Related to Old Mon kmin, kmun (“to exercise royal power; to be king; to reign”) (Schuessler, 2007);
  • Related to 尹 (OC *ɢʷlinʔ, “director; governor”) and 元 (OC *ŋon, “head”) and cognate with Tibetan མགོན (mgon, “protector; master; lord”) (Mei Tsu-lin, 1985);
  • The *k- a prefixed derivative of 尹 (OC *ɢʷlinʔ, “to straighten; to administer”) (Baxter and Sagart, 1998); however, this is phonologically problematic (Schuessler, 2007).
  • ACG sense: Orthographic borrowing from Japanese 君 (-Kun).
  1. sovereign; monarch; ruler; chief; prince; lord
  2. (historical) An honorific title: lord
  3. (literary, honorific) you; your (referring to a male)
  4. A polite form of address used among couples.
  5. to dominate; to reign
  6. (ACG, Internet slang) -Kun
  7. (ACG, Internet slang) Affectionate name suffix: 字幕君  ―  zìmùjūn  ―  fansubber
        ➥ ACG is an abbreviation of "Anime, Comic and Games", used in some subcultures of Greater China and Southeast Asia. The term is not normally translated into Chinese; if the meaning needs to be translated, it is usually "動漫遊戲" (dòngmànyóuxì, animation, comics and games), "two-dimensional space" (二次元, Èr cìyuán; Japanese: 2次元, romanized: nijigen) or "動漫遊" (dòngmànyóu, animation, comics and games).
河上公-老子道德經 Page 83











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