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Friday, October 11, 2019

Dao De Jing:
(The quality of indulgence)

The sage has no invariable mind of his own; he makes the mind of the people his mind.
To those who are good (to me), I am good; and to those who are not good (to me), I am also good; - and thus (all) get to be good.
To those who are sincere (with me), I am sincere; and to those who are not sincere (with me), I am also sincere; - and thus (all) get to be sincere.
The sage has in the world an appearance of indecision and keeps his mind in a state of indifference to all. The people all keep their eyes and ears directed to him, and he deals with them all as his children.

Image result for 聖人無常心以百姓心為心

Dao De Jing Chapter 49 - Sheets/Tovey
Oct 11 at 3:47 AM


The sage has the emptiness of the eternal center.
The saint dances the emptiness of the constant center.
Thus the center of the hundred families (all families) becomes the center.

Goodness - people are good.
Those who are not good - they are also good because the action of their soul is good.

Trust - people can be trusted.
Those who cannot be trusted - they can also be trusted because the action of their soul can be trusted.

The sage lives peacefully in Heaven below (the sacred body).
The peaceful action of Heaven below is like an ocean at its center.
The sage is like a child ready to smile at everyone.

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