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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Dao De Jing:
(The decay of manners)

When the Great Dao (Way or Method) ceased to be observed, benevolence and righteousness came into vogue. (Then) appeared wisdom and shrewdness, and there ensued great hypocrisy. When harmony no longer prevailed throughout the six kinships, filial sons found their manifestation; when the states and clans fell into disorder, loyal ministers appeared

Dao De Jing Chapter 18 - Seddon
Nov 30 at 5:50 AM


When Tao is abandoned,
Benevolence and morality arise.
When wisdom and knowledge arise,
Hypocrisy flourishes.
When there is discord in the family,
Filial piety and parental affection arise.
When the country is in darkness and turmoil,
Loyal ministers appear.

彻悟 道德经 第18章 失本逐末

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