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Friday, November 1, 2019

Dao De Jing:
(The difficulty of being (rightly) known)

My words are very easy to know and very easy to practise, but there is no one in the world who is able to know and able to practise them.
There is an originating and all-comprehending (principle) in my words and an authoritative law for the things (which I enforce).
It is because they do not know these, that men do not know me.
They who know me are few, and I am on that account (the more) to be prized. It is thus that the sage wears (a poor garb of) hair cloth, while he carries his (signet of) jade in his bosom.

Dao] Tao Te Ching Chapter 70 - Sheets/Tovey
Nov 1 at 6:09 AM


Their sayings are very easy to know and very easy to practice in Heaven below (the sacred body).

Without the power to perceive, without the power to progress;
Speech arises from your past.
Deeds are exalted.
For this exact reason, the master knows emptiness.
This is the reason they are not recognized.

Know their soundlessness.
Emulate them.
Treasure the sage who wears coarse clothes and hides their jewels.

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