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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

BBG 828 

[Deadwind BMW 850i]
Karppi/Carp/Koi 鯉

Asheville, North Carolina, U.S.A.



Dao De Jing Chapter 40 ― James Legge (Dispensing with the use (of means))

The movement of the Dao
By contraries proceeds;
And weakness marks the course
Of Dao's mighty deeds.

All things under heaven sprang from It as existing (and named); that existence sprang from
It is non-existent (and not named).

Dao De Jing Chapter 40 ― A. Charles Muller, 40. Return is the motion of the Way...

Return is the motion of the Way.
Softening is its function.
All things in the cosmos arise from being.
Being arises from non-being.

Dao De Jing Chapter 40 ― Arthur Waley

In Dao the only motion is returning;
The only useful quality, weakness.
For though all creatures under heaven are the products of Being,
Being itself is the product of Not-being.



from Latin requiem, the first word of the introit for the traditional requiem mass, an alternative accusative case of Latin requiēs (“rest, repose”), from re- (“again”) + quiēs (“rest, quiet”)
Lydia Wilson

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