習常詞語解釋 / 習常是什麽意思
[xí cháng]
北魏 酈道元 《水經注·河水一》:“西四十里有 風山 ,上有穴如輪,風氣蕭瑟,習常不止。”
清 蒲松齡 《聊齋志異·蓮香》:“生聞其語,始知狐鬼皆真,幸習常見慣,頗不為駭。”
《史記·樂書》:“ 孝惠 、 孝文 、 孝景 無所增更,於樂府習常肄舊而已。”
宋 司馬光 《文潞公家廟碑》:“公卿亦安故習常,得諉以為辭,無肯唱眾為之者。”
基本信息xí cháng ㄒㄧˊ ㄔㄤˊ 習常(習常)詞語釋義
1、經常。 北魏 酈道元 《水經注·河水一》:
“西四十里有 風山 ,上有穴如輪,風氣蕭瑟,習常不止。” 清 蒲松齡 《聊齋志異·蓮香》:“生聞其語,始知狐鬼皆真,幸習常見慣,頗不為駭。”
3、沿襲舊章;遵循常規。《史記·樂書》:“ 孝惠 、 孝文 、 孝景 無所增更,於樂府習常肄舊而已。”《周書·蘇綽傳》:“諸如此輩,悉宜罷黜,無得習常。” 宋 司馬光 《文潞公家廟碑》:“公卿亦安故習常,得諉以為辭,無肯唱眾為之者。
1. 得: Originally read: "知". 據《古逸叢書》本、馬王堆本改。
2. 以: Originally read: "復". 據《古逸叢書》本、馬王堆本改。
3. 身: Originally read: "其". 據《古逸叢書》本、馬王堆本改。

Dao De Jing Chapter 52 一 A. Charles Muller 52. All things have a beginning, which we can regard as their mother...
All things have a beginning, which we can regard as their Mother.
Knowing the mother, we can know its children.
Knowing the children, yet still cleaving to the mother
You can die without pain.
Stop up the holes
Shut the doors,
You can finish your life without anxiety.
Open the doors,
Increase your involvement,
In the end, you can't be helped.
Seeing the subtle is called illumination.
Keeping flexible is called strength.
Use the illumination, but return to the light.
Don't bring harm to yourself.
This is called "practising the eternal."
Dao De Jing Chapter 52 一 James Legge (Returning to the source)
(The Dao) which originated all under the sky is to be considered as the mother of them all.
When the mother is found, we know what her children should be. When one knows that he is his mother's child, and proceeds to guard (the qualities of) the mother that belong to him, to the end of his life he will be free from all peril.
Let him keep his mouth closed, and shut up the portals (of his nostrils), and all his life he will be exempt from laborious exertion. Let him keep his mouth open, and (spend his breath) in the promotion of his affairs, and all his life there will be no safety for him.
The perception of what is small is (the secret of clear-sightedness; the guarding of what is soft and tender is (the secret of) strength.
Who uses well his light,
Reverting to its (source so) bright,
Will from his body ward all blight,
And hides the unchanging from men's sight.
Dao De Jing Chapter 52 一 Arthur Waley
That which was the beginning of all things under heaven
We may speak of as the “mother” of all things.
He who apprehends the mother
Thereby knows the sons.
And he who has known the sons,
Will hold all the tighter to the mother,
And to the end of his days suffer no harm;
“Block the passages, shut the doors,
And till the end, your strength shall not fail.
Open up the passages, increase your doings,
And till your last day, no help shall come to you.”
As good sight means seeing what is very small
So strength means holding on to what is weak.
He who having used the outer light can return to the inner light
Is thereby preserved from all harm.
This is called resorting to the always-so.
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