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Monday, July 26, 2021

松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Bashō by 葛飾 北斎 Katsushika Hokusai

古池や                        Furuike ya                    The old pond;
かわずとびこむ        Kawazu tobikomu        A frog jumps in,—
水の音                     Mizu no oto                 The sound of the water.
What kind of tree
With the unknown flower
Such a fragrance

nan no ki no / hana to wa shira zu / nioi kana
From what flowering tree / I know not, – / but ah, the fragrance! (© R.H.Blyth)
From what tree’s bloom / it comes, I do not know, / but – this perfume! (© Harold G. Henderson)
From which tree’s bloom / it comes, I do not know: / this fragrance (© Makoto Ueda)
Such fragrance – / from where, / which tree? (© Lucien Stryk)
The tree from whose flower / This perfume comes / Is unknowable. (© Kenneth Rexroth)
Flowers of what tree / I know not - / Yet the fragrance! (© Takafumi Saito & William R. Nelson)
From what tree’s / blossoming, I do not know, / but oh, its sweet scent! (© Sam Hamill)
What kind of tree / with the unknown flower / such a fragrance (© Jane Reichhold)
From what tree’s / blossoms I know not: / such fragrance. (© David Landis Barnhill)

松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Bashō

Summer: 6 May–7 August
Mid-summer: 6 June–6 July
  • The Season: midsummer, dog days
  • The Sky and Heavens: drought, rainbow, the Pleiades at dawn
  • The Earth: waterfall, flood, summer field (i.e. the abundance of summer wildflowers)
  • Humanity: midday nap, sushi, sunbathing, nudity, swimming pool
  • Observances: Boys' Day (May 5), A-Bomb Anniversary (August 6)
  • Animals: jellyfish, mosquito, snake, cuckoo
  • Plants: lotus flower, orange blossoms, lily, sunflower
  • Summer (Natsu); other combinations are: summer has come (夏のキヌNatsu kinu), end of summer (Natsu no hate). Summer holidays (Natsu yasumi) means mainly the school holiday.
  • May (Satsuki or gogatsu), June (minazuki or rokugatsu), July (fumizuki, fuzuki or shichigatsu)
  • Hot (atsushi), hotness (atsusa) and hot day (atsui hi); also, anything related to the heat, including sweat (ase) and in contemporary haiku, air conditioning (reibō)
  • Wisteria (fuji), hana tachibana (wild orange blossoms) and iris (ayame): early summer (May), lotus (hasu or hachisu): mid and late summer.
  • Rainy season (tsuyu): the Japanese rainy season, usually starting in mid June.
  • Hototogisu (Little cuckoo: C. poliocephalis)—all summer (May–July)—the hototogisu is a bird of the cuckoo family noted for its song
  • Cicada (semi): late summer (July)—known for their cries
  • Tango no sekku is a traditional festival for boys on May 5. Matsuri is applied to summer festivals. Traditionally it meant the festival of Kamo Shrine in Kyoto.

暑い(atsushi)、暑さ(atsusa)、暑い日(atsui hi);また、汗(ase)や現代の俳句、エアコン(reibō)など、熱に関連するものはすべて

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