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Monday, December 6, 2021

འོད་སེར་ཅན་མ། ནང་ལྷ། 具光佛母(佛教本尊)

The existence of the Book of Dzyan, a secret book, was revealed by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in 1888, when her magnum opusThe Secret Doctrine, was published. The said Book of Dzyan (comprising the Stanzas of Dzyan) is a reputedly ancient text of Tibetan origin. The Stanzas formed the basis for The Secret Doctrine (1888), one of the foundational works of the theosophical movement, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

Kiu Te, Books Of

(Also spelt Kiu Ti). A collection of Tibetan esoteric and exoteric teachings from which The Secret Doctrine of Helena P. Blavatsky was based. Blavatsky wrote that there are thirty-five exoteric volumes of Kiu-te which can be found in the libraries of many Tibetan monasteries, as well as fourteen books of commentaries and annotations by initiated Teachers, which contain a summary of esoteric sciences. The latter are said to be kept in secret by the Teshu Lama of Shigatse. She states that the books have been edited within the last thousand years, but the esoteric commentaries are of untold antiquity. Part of the books is the Stanzas of Dzyan from which The Secret Doctrine was derived. Blavatsky wrote that the Stanzas form the first volume of the Commentaries upon the seven secret folios of Kiu-te (CW XIV:422). The books are in turn derived from another very old book, from which even the Kabbalistic Siphrah Dzeniouta was compiled (SD I: xlii).

🢣 Recent scholars, particularly H. J. Spierenburg and David Reigle, have identified the Book of Kiu-ti to be the Tibetan Buddhist Tantras, known in Tibetan as rGyud-sde. This was written as Kiu-ti by the Capuchin monk Horace della Penna, who sneered at some of the contents of the books. It is part of the Tanjur texts of Tibetan Buddhism, which contains the inner teachings, and includes the Tantras. Reigle thinks that the Book of Dzyan is perhaps the Mahācakra Tantra, which cannot be located.

རྣལ་འབྱོར་ཆེན་པོ the Mahāyoga section of the Collected Tantras of the Ancients is the largest of the three. It is divided into two major sections: the Tantra Series (rgyud sde) and the Practice Series (sgrub sde). One of the seminal Tantras of the Ancients found in this section is the Secret Essence Tantra or gsang ba'i snying po'i rgyud, which has spawned not only a plethora of Indo-Tibetan commentaries but also a heated debate in Tibet over its authenticity.

rgyud sde - Tantra Section. Tantric sections.

1) The four or six sections of tantras.
2) One of the two divisions of Mahayana. The Mahayoga tantras appeared in this world when revealed by Vajrasattva and the Lord of Secrets to King Jah, the ruler of Zahor, who was born 112 years after Buddha’s nirvana. Some of the contemporary lineage holders were Uparaja, Kukuraja, Vimalakirti, and Jnanamitra. Subsequent masters were Shakputri, the regent and son of King Jah, King Jah’s daughter Gomadevi, Singaraja, Lilavajra, Buddhaguhya and Vajrahasya. The following generation of lineage holders were Bhashita, Prabhahasti, and Padmasambhava, the latter of whom also received the tantras directly from King Jah [RY]

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