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Sunday, December 26, 2021

One Secret Santa

What is the purpose of this here life?

That is the question with which so many can be stuck upon and this, for a considerable amount of time. 

As the human mind loves to create situations that keep it looking exclusively forward, for sure, no proper answer can be realized in the now. Many believe that this question will lead them, through thoughts, to a place, a space (a mind-clearing) at which point something profound, an awakening, a समाधि (samādhi, “placing together”, from सम samá, “together” + आ (ā) prefix + धा dhā, “to place”) will happen. However, mentally, that question can be exhausting. Many curtail these issues deciding, declaring that their purpose in life is to serve people, with for instance the help of art such as music, painting, or with medical knowledge and practice, alternative medicine, yoga transmission, or often serving the poor, etcetera. And, actually, all of these objectives or goals can appear quite doable — 可道 — always. But why are they not supposed to be executed, done, performed at a present time? In that case, the storyline is pretty much similar with everyone: present family commitments, financial requirements and time amount, even at a discount (never enough of that stuff) are the most used alibis.

समाधि samādhi, by Mrk Salamat

The said question being of such a scorching nature, many become seekers of this Heart of Gold. And for some, it just can happen that, for instance, while reading — say a book by दीपा माँ Dipa Ma — suddenly, the question dissolved. How the question that was the fuel to their inner life, that kept them awake at night, can suddenly be gone? That no more worries are felt. But, instead, there can be a sense of peace. Becauseactuallythe purpose of life seems then quite simple: be present in every moment, be totally involved. That is it.

Or Not! Because at that point we are still away from the 衆妙之門

Once One is present, the life experience appears fulfilled, complete, GOD (Grand Overall Design) seems manifested and one can witness it at its full speed, such as in the light, the winds, love or joy. All that germinate, the rests — 萬物  are then to be considered by-products, just mere outcomes, that cannot limit and hinder the purpose of life.

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