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Friday, December 31, 2021


無為, Zero-point energy (ZPE)
No 坤, Field, to force 乾, the Force, to be•have




道德經 Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-eight — C. Ganson


The scholar needs to know more and more each day.
The follower of Dao needs to know less and less each day.

By lessening knowledge one reaches inaction.
By inaction, everything can be done.

The world is won by those who leave it alone.
When one feels compelled to dominate,
the world is already beyond reach.

道德經 Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-eight — James Legge


(Forgetting knowledge)
He who devotes himself to learning (seeks) from day to day to increase (his knowledge);
he who devotes himself to the Dao (seeks) from day to day to diminish (his doing).
He diminishes it and again diminishes it, till he arrives at doing nothing (on purpose).
Having arrived at this point of non-action, there is nothing which he does not do.
He who gets as his own all under heaven does so by giving himself no trouble (with that end).
If one take trouble (with that end), he is not equal to getting as his own all under heaven.

道德經 Dao De Jing Chapter Forty-eight — Arthur Waley


Learning consists of adding to one's stock day by day;
The practice of Dao consists in “subtracting day by day,
Subtracting and yet again subtracting
Till one has reached inactivity.
But by this very inactivity
Everything can be activated.”
Those who of old won the adherence of all who live under heaven
All did so not interfering.
Had they interfered,
They would never have won this adherence.

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