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Monday, December 20, 2021

Humanistic vs All-encompassing

道德老子 ≅ Ancient wisdom for modern times
➥ Old & New testament
➥ from Hebrew תנ״ך‎ (TaNaKh) — acronym from תּוֹרָה‎ Torah (“instruction, law or teaching”), נְבִיאִים‎ (n'vi’ím, “Nevi'im”, “prophets”) and כתובים‎ ("k'tuvím", Ketuvim, writings).


周易、後設資料 ≅ Metadata with hypermapping
metadata "data that provides information about other data",
➥  ≅ Variable, 
from Old French variable, from Latin variare (“to change”), from varius (“different, various”).
symbolic name associated with a value and whose associated value may be changed

十三經 the Confucian Classics

The Confucian Classics is a canon of important writings reflecting the teachings of the philosopher Confucius (Kongzi 孔子, 551-479 BCE). Authorship was partially attributed to Confucius himself, especially concerning the so-called Five Classics (wu jing 五經). In fact, only a small part of the whole canon dates from the time in which Confucius lived, which was called the late Spring and Autumn period 春秋 (770-5th cent. BCE). Parts of the "Book of Documents", the "Book of Songs", the "Book of Changes" and the "Spring and Autumn Annals" existed already before the time of Confucius and must be deemed "ancient classical texts" which Confucians often referred to. Yet the main part of the corpus was written or at least compiled during the Han period 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE) when Confucianism became the official state philosophy and thinking.

The books of the canon are divided into the Wujing 五經 "Five Canonical Works", including 易經 the Yijing "Book of Changes", 尚書 the Shangshu (also known as 書經 Shujing) "Book of Documents", 詩經 the Shijing (or 毛詩 Maoshi) "Book of Poetry", 禮記 the Liji "Records of Rites" and 春秋the Chunqiu "Spring and Autumn Annals" (the Chunqiu is in most cases combined with the so-called "Commentary" by 左丘明Zuo Qiuming, 左傳the Zuozhuan), and 四書 the Sishu "Four Books", including the teachings of the four philosophers 孔子 Kongzi (論語 the Lunyu "Confucian Analects"), his disciple 曾參 Zeng Shen (505-436, 大學 the Daxue "Great Learning"), 孔伋 Kong Ji (483-402 BCE), a grandson of Confucius (中庸 the Zhongyong "Doctrine of the Mean"), and 孟子the book Mengzi that includes the teachings of the philosopher 孟軻 Meng Ke (385-304 or 372-289 BCE).


易經 Yìjīng Classic of Changes or I Ching 
書經 Shūjīng Book of Documents 《尚書》古時稱《書》,
詩經 Shījīng Classic of Poetry
三禮 Sānlǐ The Three Ritual Classics
  • 周禮 Zhōulǐ Rites of Zhou
  • 儀禮 Yílǐ Ceremonies and Rites
  • 禮記 Lǐjì Book of Rites
The Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals
  • 左傳 Zuǒzhuàn The Commentary of Zuo
  • 公羊傳 Gōngyáng Zhuàn The Commentary of Gongyang
  • 穀梁傳 Gǔliáng Zhuàn The Commentary of Guliang
論語 Lúnyǔ The Analects
孝經 Xiàojīng Classic of Filial Piety
爾雅 Ěryǎ, Erya, a dictionary and encyclopedia
孟子 Mèngzǐ, Mencius

易經 (周易)Yijing (Zhouyi)"The Book of Changes"
尚書 (書經)Shangshu (Shujing)"The Book of Documents"
詩經 (毛詩)Shijing (Maoshi)"The Book of Songs"
周禮Zhouli"Rites of the Zhou"
儀禮Yili"Rites and Ceremonies"
禮記Liji"Records of Rites"
春秋左傳Chunqiu-Zuozhuan"The Spring and Autumn Annals" and Zuo's Commentary
公羊傳Gongyangzhuan"Gongyang's Commentary"
穀梁傳Guliangzhuan"Guliang's Commentary"
孝經Xiaojing"The Book of Filial Piety"
孟子Mengzi"Master Meng"
論語Lunyu"The Confucian Analects"
爾雅EryaThe Erya Glossary

老子、शाक्यमुनि、孔子  Laozi, Sakyamuni & Confucius

Difference between DAO and ORM

Hibernate is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

DAO: A data access object is a pattern that is often followed when an application needs to interact with some persistent data store (often a database). The DAO provides a series of operations to the rest of the application without the application needing to know the details of the data store. For example, there might be operations to retrieve a subset of data, update the data, or remove the data. It is much more generic than ORM — it simply is an object an application uses to retrieve data.

ORM: An ORM usually describes a library/API used to make interactions with a database more robust. Java has an ORM called JPA, which allows persisting Java objects directly to a database without having to generate one's own SQL statements. One generates Java objects (often called entities) that match the columns/tables of a database, populate the Java object, then called persist(object). It knows how to store itself in the database. When querying the database for data, it will return it in the form of Java objects, instead of the nasty ResultSet that one gets when using JDBC with SQL.

In summary — a DAO is an object that abstract the implementation of a persistent data store away from the application and allows for simple interaction with it. An ORM is a robust library/API that provides a bunch of tools to save/retrieve an object directly to/from the database without having to write one's own SQL statements.

EDIT: Note — they are not opposing concepts (they actually go together quite well). It is not uncommon for the DAO to use an ORM.

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