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Monday, December 13, 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021
"No soul may come in contact with another without being changed,
  • either in body,
  • in mind
  • or in purpose;
     and purpose is from the soul." 

ECRL 2794-3
Gꣲ perennial gene

The Garden of काम • (kā́ma), and other love lyrics from India, Byam Shaw

➥ the 陰 pursuit of immortality through two impulses/instincts:
  1. the survival of the cell
  2. the survival of the halo cell (cluster)
➥ the individual 陽 & the cla陰 (maverick & herd [matriarchy])

➥ requires the creation of a G•Δ — who cures/heals
🢡 creation of gods/wizards/heroes ⥵ anthropomorphism/anthro-projection

大川 & its local version 巛 on Γῆ Gē

無名天地之 🢡 陰 expression
有名萬物之 🢡 陰 expression

whereas ䷀ 乾 / 太陽 has no expression except the ones actualized by an observer/by 陰 itself

➥ the curiosity/ the incessant effort of the rediscovery
🢡 by being localized/incarnated, entities known as humans make a detour to learn/analyse the intrications set in 29/30 坎/

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