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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Dao De Jing:
(The way of heaven)

May not the Way (or Dao) of Heaven be compared to the (method of) bending a bow? The (part of the bow) which was high is brought low, and what was low is raised up. (So Heaven) diminishes where there is superabundance and supplements where there is a deficiency.
It is the Way of Heaven to diminish superabundance and to supplement deficiency. It is not so with the way of man. He takes away from those who have not enough to add to his own superabundance.
Who can take his own superabundance and therewith serve all under heaven? Only he who is in possession of the Dao!
Therefore the (ruling) sage acts without claiming the results as his; he achieves his merit and does not rest (arrogantly) in it: - he does not wish to display his superiority.

Dao De Jing Chapter 77 - Seddon

Jan 28 at 2:44 AM


The Way of Heaven is like the drawing of a bow.
What is high is brought lower, and what is low is brought higher.
What is too long is shortened;
What is too short is lengthened.
The Way of Heaven is to take away from what is excessive
And to replenish what is deficient. But the Way of Man is different:
It takes away from those who have little,
And gives to those who already have plenty.
Who is able to offer the world whatever he has in excess?
Only the man of Tao.
Therefore the Sage works without claiming a reward,
Accomplishes without taking credit.
He has no desire to display his excellence.

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