Le Tao produit (1) les êtres, la Vertu les nourrit. Ils leur donnent un corps (2) et les perfectionnent par une secrète impulsion (3).
Personne (5) n’a conféré au Tao sa dignité, ni à la Vertu sa noblesse : ils les possèdent éternellement en eux-mêmes.
C’est pourquoi le Tao produit les êtres (6), les nourrit, les fait croître, les perfectionne, les mûrit, les alimente, les protège.

51 | 道德經: | 是以萬物莫不尊道而貴德。 道之尊,德之貴,夫莫之命常自然。 故道生之,德畜之;長之育之;亭之毒之;養之覆之。 生而不有,為而不恃,長而不宰,是謂玄德。 |
Dao De Jing: |
All things are produced by the Dao, and nourished by its outflowing operation. They receive their forms according to the nature of each and are completed according to the circumstances of their condition. Therefore all things without exception honour the Dao and exalt its outflowing operation.
This honouring of the Dao and exalting of its operation is not the result of any ordination, but always a spontaneous tribute.
Thus it is that the Dao produces (all things), nourishes them, brings them to their full growth, nurses them, completes them, matures them, maintains them, and overspreads them.

Dao De Jing Chapter 51 - SeddonJan 2 at 6:05 AM
Tao gives rise to all things;
Virtue nourishes them;
Environment shapes them;
Circumstances complete them.
Therefore the Ten Thousand Things
Respect Tao and honour Virtue.
No one commands that
Tao is respected and Virtue honoured.
Doing so comes spontaneously.
So it is that all things arise from Tao;
They are nourished by Virtue,
Grown and nurtured,
Given shelter and comfort,
Matured and protected.
Tao produces them but does not possess them;
Accomplishes without taking credit;
Guides without interfering.
This is called mystical Virtue.

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