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Friday, August 20, 2021

I & X•K

"Desolation Row"

Our humanity, this epoch ― characterized by entropy and urban chaos, by its global masse and the loneliness of each of its individual parts, simultaneously ― are rooted at the time of the shattering of the symbiotic relationships with the plants that had bound us to nature from our dim beginnings.

In his book, "Far Journeys", Robert Allan Monroe introduced the concept of "Escape Velocity" ― not about his out-of-body experiences, but as a way of explaining how we can break away from the seemingly never-ending Earth-life cycle. In his view, this was done by collecting "energy" from the original creative source during our lifetimes, waking consciousness and attaining escape velocity. He sometimes referred to the lack of escape velocity and the subsequent Earth-life entrapment belief system as "terra-field". 

Spirale de la Vie, Wojciech Siudmak

In Robert Monroe's last book, "Ultimate Journey", his nonphysical EXCOM or Executive Committee brought up the idea of Escape Velocity once again. Bob was told that as one attains this velocity, so to speak, one achieves freedom ― not for just eternity but infinity ― an interesting choice of words from EXCOM's point of view.

Robert Allan "RAM" Monroe

"People normally cut reality into compartments, and so are unable to see the interdependence of all phenomena. To see one in all and all in one is to break through the great barrier which narrows one's perception of reality."

― Thích Nhất Hạnh 釋一行禪師

Plants are all chemists, tirelessly assembling the molecules of the world, and in their transactions with insects, birds, animals, and fungi, they find elaborate ways to defend themselves, seduce pollinators and confuse.

“Only plants had consciousness. Animals got it from them.”

― Pharmako/Poeia by Dale Pendell

"I think what is really happening is that dialogue opens up between the ego and these larger, more integrated parts of the psyche that are normally hidden from view."

― Terence McKenna

"Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown; that there is only one thing and that what seems to be a plurality is merely a series of different aspects of this one thing, produced by a deception."

― Erwin Schrödinger

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.”

― Eckhart von Hochheim, commonly referred to as Meister Eckhart, Magister in theologia, Paris University

The pineal gland is a link between the consciousness of man and the invisible worlds of Nature. Whenever the arc of the pituitary body contacts this gland there are flashes of temporary clairvoyance, but the process of making these two work together consistently is one requiring not only years but lives of consecration and special physiological and biological training. This third eye is the Cyclopean eye of the ancients, for it was an organ of conscious vision long before the physical eyes were formed, although the vision was a sense of cognition rather than sight in those ancient days.

 Manly P. Hall


― Shamanic Sacra-Mental Spaces 

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