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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Tiger gets to the other shore
व्याघ्र पारमिता

अवलोकितेश्वर Avalokitesvara by Lok Chitrakar

T48n2009 001 少室六門 第1卷
■ CBETA 電子佛典集成 » 大正藏 (T) » 第 48 冊 » No.2009 » 第 1 卷

小室六門 Small abode six doors

第一門心經頌 First Gate Heart Sutra

[0365a11] 摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經 Maha Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra

智慧清淨海。Wisdom cleans the sea.
理密義幽深。Deep, the meaning of the secret.
波羅到彼岸。Perfect Perfection पारमिता (pāramitā, “perfection; completeness”).
多聞千種意。Expanded hearing, thousands of meanings.
萬劫眾賢欽。Wise people, thousands of tribulations.

波羅 (obsolete, chiefly Nanzhao) tiger 
法駕避星回,波羅毘勇猜。 [Classical Chinese, trad. Fǎjià bì xīnghuí, bōluó píyǒng cāi.]
From: 趙叔達, 星回節避風臺驃信命賦
The king's chariot took shelter [from the wind] when the star returned [a festival in Nanzhao at the end of the year], the tiger and the wild horse in mind.
The term pāramitā, commonly translated as "perfection," has two etymologies. The first derives it from the word parama, meaning "highest", "most distant", and hence "chief", "primary", "most excellent". Hence, the substantive can be rendered "excellence" or "perfection". This reading is supported by the Madhyāntavibhāga (V.4), where the twelve excellences (parama) are associated with the ten perfections (pāramitā).
A more creative yet widely reported etymology divides pāramitā into pāra and mita, with pāra meaning "beyond", "the further bank, shore or boundary, 彼岸" and mita, meaning "that which has arrived, " or ita meaning "that which goes." Pāramitā then means "that which has gone beyond," "that which goes beyond," or "transcendent." This reading is reflected in the Tibetan translation pha rol tu phyin pa ("gone to the other side" པ་ར་མི་ཏ).
― Lopez, Donald S. Jr. (1988). The Heart Sutra Explained: Indian and Tibetan Commentaries
. SUNY Press. ISBN 978-0-88706-589-7.

[0365a15] 觀自在菩薩。

菩薩超聖智。菩薩超聖智。  Bodhisattva's brilliant holy wisdom. 
六處悉皆同。六處悉皆同。  All six are the same.
心空觀自在。心空觀自在。  Feeling at ease with an empty mind.
無閡大神通。無閡 大神通。 No barriers, great supernatural powers. 
禪門入正受。禪門入正受。  Entering the perfect path through the Meditation Gate.
三昧任西東。三昧任西東。  Samadhi is everything (all around)
十方遊歷遍。十方遊歷 遍。 Travels through the ten directions
不見佛行蹤。不見佛行蹤。  No whereabouts of Buddha

Bodhidharma's Six Gates (T2009)

[0365a15] 觀自在菩薩。
अवलोकितेश्वर Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva

The Bodhisattva’s sacred wisdom
Concerning the sameness of the six sense faculties
Peacefully reflecting on emptiness
Unobstructed, divine power
Entrance into ध्यान (dhyāna)
Samadhi entrusts east and west
Travelling all ten dimensions
No trace of Buddha

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