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Thursday, December 17, 2020

 G1 vibration & resonance

  • G = navel area, मणिपूर, Maṇipūra²
  • E-1 = perineum area,  मूलाधार, Mūlādhāra, lit. "root and basis of Existence."
  • C-1 = (foot4 of the key) ditto
  • F7 = fontanel area, सहस्रार, Sahasrāra3, lit. "thousand-petalled"
Scientific designationHelmholtz designationOctave nameFrequency (Hz)
G−1G͵͵͵ or ͵͵͵G or GGGGSubsubcontra12.25
G0G͵͵ or ͵͵G or GGGSub contra24.5
G1G͵ or ͵G or GGContra48.999

Perfect authentic cadence (V-I [here in V7-I form] with roots in the bass and tonic in the highest voice of the final chord): ii-V7-I progression in C

1 Scales

Common scales beginning on G

  • G Major: G A B C D E F G
  • G Natural Minor: G A B C D E F G
  • G Harmonic Minor: G A B C D E F G
  • G Melodic Minor Ascending: G A B C D E F G
  • G Melodic Minor Descending: G F E D C B A G

Diatonic scales

  • G Ionian: G A B C D E F G
  • G Dorian: G A B C D E F G
  • G Phrygian: G A B C D E F G
  • G Lydian: G A B C D E F G
  • G Mixolydian: G A B C D E F G
  • G Aeolian: G A B C D E F G
  • G Locrian: G A B C D E F G

Jazz melodic minor

  • G Ascending Melodic Minor: G A B C D E F G
  • G Dorian ♭2: G A B C D E F G
  • G Lydian Augmented: G A B C D E F G
  • G Lydian Dominant: G A B C D E F G
  • G Mixolydian ♭6: G A B C D E F G
  • G Locrian ♮2: G A B C D E F G
  • G Altered: G A B C D E F G

² Manipura chakra is shown as having ten petals, bearing the Sanskrit letters ḍaḍhaṇatathadadhanapa, and pha. The seed sound in the centre is ram. The tattwa for the element of Fire is shown (here in outline) as a red triangle. The Manipuraka chakra is said by the 10th century Kubjikamatatantra 11.35 to be at the navel. The Samgitaratnakara 2.125-127 agrees it is at the navel, stating that it has 10 petals, containing deep sleep, desire, envy, slander, shame, fear, compassion, stupor, impurity, and anxiety. The breath (prana) that dwells there is named the sun.

It is said in the Hatha Ratnavali 1.63 to be purified by Nauli (abdominal massage), one of the Satkarmas.

3 Associated chakra: Bindu Visarga

Bindu visarga is connected with Ajna.

The Bindu Visarga is at the back of the head, at the point where many Brahmins keep a tuft of hair. It is symbolized by a crescent moon on a moonlit night, with a point or bindu above it. This is the white bindu, with which yogis try to unite the red bindu below. It is said to be the point through which the soul enters the body, creating the chakras as it descends and terminating in the coiled kundalini energy at the base of the spine. It is often described as the source of the divine nectar, or amrita, though this is sometimes said to come from either ajña chakra or Lalita chakra. This nectar falls down into the digestive fire (Samana) where it is burnt up. The preservation of this nectar is known as "urdhva retas" (literally: upward semen). The white drop is associated with the essence of semen, while the red bindu is associated with menstrual fluid.

This chakra is sometimes known as the Indu, Chandra, or Soma Chakra. In other descriptions, it is located on the forehead - white, with 16 petals - corresponding to the vrittis of mercy, gentleness, patience, non-attachment, control, excellent-qualities, joyous mood, deep spiritual love, humility, reflection, restfulness, seriousness, effort, controlled emotion, magnanimity and concentration.

4 When playing an octave G, the G key foot rises and allows the body key to rising under the power of its own spring.

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