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Tuesday, February 9, 2021


The Storm

The storm nymph has one purpose... that is to bring balance to our Earth.
Her storms grow ever stronger to stop what humans have done.
The dove has one purpose…that is to bring Peace and Order to the battle that divides us. Together they enter the storm.

~Michael Parkes

Faith: Temperance during difficulty
 Faith: Gratitude during prosperity
“The artist who has arrived at some perfection in his art, whatever his art may be, will come to realize that it is not he who ever achieved anything; it is someone else who came forward every time. And when the artist produces a perfect thing, he finds it difficult to imagine that it has been produced by him. He can do nothing but bow his head in humility before that unseen power and wisdom which takes his body, his heart, his brain, and his eyes as its instrument. Whenever beauty is produced in art, be it music, or poetry, or painting, or writing, or anything else, one must never think that man produced it. It is through the man that God completes His creation. Thus there is nothing that is done in this world or in heaven that is not divine immanence, which is not a divine creation.”
~ Inayat Rehmat Khan Pathan (حضرت عنایت رحمت خان پٹھان‎) who interlocked his passion for music with his Sufi ideologies making an argument for music as the harmonious thread of the Universe.

Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.
~ Nikola Tesla

The core of the feminine comes directly as a ray of the sun. Not the earthly figure you hear about in love songs~ there is more to her mystery than that. You might say she’s not from the manifest world at all~ but the creator of it.
Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī (جلال‌الدین محمد رومی‎)

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