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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Most Humble Total Connection
Mysterium Conivnctionis. Yet not a Quest ending

䷾ 既濟 (jì jì), fully connected
"Already Fording" or "after completion" & "already completed" or "already done". 
  • The inner trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire,
  • The outer trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water.



Woodcut microcosm & macrocosm, Athanasius Kircher

63 ― James Legge (Thinking in the beginning)

(It is the way of the Dào) to act without (thinking of) acting; to conduct affairs without (feeling the) trouble of them; to taste without discerning any flavour; to consider what is small as great, and a few as many; and to recompense injury with kindness.
(The master of it) anticipates things that are difficult while they are easy, and does things that would become great while they are small. All difficult things in the world are sure to arise from a previous state in which they were easy, and all great things from one in which they were small. Therefore the sage, while he never does what is great, is able on that account to accomplish the greatest things.
He who lightly promises is sure to keep but little faith; he who is continually thinking things easy is sure to find them difficult. Therefore the sage sees difficulty even in what seems easy, and so never has any difficulties.

63 ― Arthur Waley

It acts without action, does without doing,
Finds flavour in what is flavourless,
Can make the small great and the few many,
“Requites injuries with good deeds,
Deals with the hard while it is still easy,
With the great while, it is still small.”
In the governance of an empire everything difficult
Must be dealt with while it is still easy,
Everything great must be dealt with while it is still small.
Therefore the Sage never has to deal with the great;
And so achieves greatness.
But again “Light assent inspires little confidence
And 'many easies' means many a hard.”
Therefore the Sage knows too how to make the easy difficult,
And by doing so avoid all difficulties!

Dào De Jing Chapter 63 ― Herman Ould

He who acts by non-action,
Who does, but does not undertake,
Who finds savour in the tasteless -
Will see the great in the little, the many in the few.
"He will repay injuries with kindness;
He will deal with hard things while they are still easy,
And tackle great things while they are still small."
All difficulties on earth and easy in their beginnings;
All great things start by being small.
Therefore the Sage:
Because he does not turn his attention to the great,
Achieves greatness.
Ready promises inspire little confidence;
He who takes things too lightly encounters many difficulties.
Therefore the Sage:
Because he recognizes what is difficult,
Never has any difficulties.

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