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Friday, February 5, 2021

Egg & Ego

from Proto-Italic *egō, from Ancient Greek ἐγώ (egṓ, “I”) that may become the colloquial 'γώ ('gó) when following a vowelfrom Proto-Indo-European *éǵh₂.

Ἐγώ εἰμί, literally I am or It is I, is an emphatic form of the copulative verb εἰμι. In Ancient Greek: ἐγώ εἰμι means "I am", "I exist", and is the first person singular present active indicative of the verb "to be".

I am that I am is a common English translation of the Hebrew phrase אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‎, ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh – also "I am who I am", "I will become what I choose to become", "I am what I am", "I will be what I will be", "I create what(ever) I create", or "I am the Existing One". The traditional English translation within Judaism favours "I will be what I will be" because there is no present tense of the verb "to be" in the Hebrew language.

The universe is egg-shaped and formed of concentric layers, a bit like an onion with its core as the most powerful.  But so is the atom.  The Egg or Cosmic Egg is applied to every Aggregate.  In other words, despite the appearances conveyed to us by our 5 senses, everything is based on a spirit-based Egg, and there are eggs within eggs, nested eggs in a sense because aggregates are formed of other aggregates.  The aura is just another name for the cosmic egg of a person, who may themselves be formed of organs each with their own eggs, which themselves contain cells each with their own eggs and so on.

Entity type = Name = Aggregate = Cosmic Egg

The ‘Earth layer’ is actually the outer layer — symbolic terms that merely represent layers of vibrational energy. It is curved around on itself, which is why Einstein said the ‘universe’ is curved.  Part of that Earth layer is what we perceive with the 5 senses, however, there are sub-levels of the Earth vibrational layer that are not perceptible. In effect, there is a band of Spirit [programmed Energy] that we can perceive with our physical senses that is vibrating at a rate our physical senses are able to pick up.  All the rest of this vibrating energy is ‘invisible’ to us in that we cannot perceive it with our 5 physical senses.

The Universe [Egg] and the Atom are divided spiritually for convenience sake symbolically into five sub-layers – layers that were visited by spiritual travellers as they changed vibrational states.  There are five main layers, all symbolic, all representing vibrational layers, whose symbolism is actually taken from what happens to water as you heat it.

‘Earth’ covers both middle and lower realms.  In effect, it is subdivided into a number of extra levels.  There is the realm of the ‘physical’ — the vibrational level we can perceive with our 5 senses and then some lower levels we cannot normally perceive one of which is ‘Hell’. If one sees Hell, it is normally their own hell!  

The upper realms then cover ‘Water’, ‘Air’, ‘Fire’ and ‘Aether’ levels.  The aether level is subdivided into a considerable number of sublevels — confer the Inner court map q.v.

All the other levels are subdivided into further levels, however, there is currently no agreement on the extra levels.  Each level is separated from the others by ‘Boundaries’.

The recognition of the levels and layers in various cultures 

One of the more fascinating aspects of this concept is that it appears to have been used throughout the world by disparate cultures which would have had little or no physical communication between them. It is as if the understanding of how the levels worked was ‘understood’ in a spiritual sense, by practically all ancient civilisations and cultures and all of them also proposed somewhat similar ‘levels’.

It is true that many people appear to have taken the water/air and fire analogy literally during the so-called ‘age of enlightenment’ and scientists of the 18th century onwards have been very quick to dismiss the concepts without actually understanding the reasoning behind them. But the levels persisted throughout this bombardment of rationalism and materialism and still persist today. One of the most intriguing facets of the levels is that they appear frequently in the modern observations of drug users and in dreams and other trance states, as well as the hallucinations of the sick.

The Rainbow is used to symbolically represent the Egg and its levels and layers. The picture below shows how the symbolism works.  We normally only see a part of the Egg – the ‘Implemented’ section of the Trinity, but if we symbolically see a ‘Double Rainbow’ we are extremely fortunate because we are seeing not only our part of the egg but the realm of the Creator and Created too.

The levels are colour coded for explanatory purposes [although in spiritual experiences they can be presented this way too] using the colours of the rainbow 

  • ‘Aether’ level is colour coded white and is in practise an area of terrifyingly powerful white Light.  
  • Fire – the Fire level is colour coded red 30 ䷝ 離 (lí)
  • Air - orange & yellow are used to symbolically represent  the ‘air’ level 
  • Water – is colour coded blue and green 29 ䷜ 坎 (kǎn)
  • Earth – & the lower realms are colour coded IN THIS SYMBOL SYSTEM using indigo & violet 2 ䷁ 坤 (kūn) & 29 ䷜ 坎 (kǎn)

 Very very deep purple is then outside the Egg and is symbolically chaos. 玄之又玄,衆妙之門。

सहस्रारचक्र • Sahasrāra (cakrá) Crown chakra: 頂輪

A symbol that denotes the person has had their crown chakra opened and is in contact with the spiritual world via their Higher spirit:

  • On the left, the position of the crown chakra
  • on the right, a diagram showing the energy flows through the chakras in the body up and down the spine.

There is a connection here with the sword & the sceptre.

Once the person has broken free then symbolically they have wings and this is seen in the caduceus showed centre a symbol of kundalini energy flow.

Thus the crown, the sceptre and the orb – all regal symbols - are connected around the same sort of spiritual concept - the ability to travel in the wider spiritual world – the Egg or Orb – via the Higher spirit as a result of the opened crown chakra.

Image of a Sahasrara Chakra with 1000 petals, in 20 layers of 50 petals each

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