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Thursday, February 11, 2021


All that I know amounts to nothing.
From the bolt-instant I lost innocence, all that I learned is nowt but a diversion, a distraction.
What I see is not. What I do not, is.

Isaac Newton as the embodiment of Scientific Materialism, William Blake



(Surveying what is far-off) James Legge

Without going outside his door, one understands (all that takes place) under the sky; without looking out from his window, one sees the Dào of Heaven.
The farther that one goes out (from her/himself), the less one knows.
Therefore the sages got their knowledge without travelling; gave their (right) names to things without seeing them; and accomplished their ends without any purpose of doing so.

47 ― Herman Ould

Without going out of his own door
A man may know the world;
Without looking out of his own window
A man can know the Dào of Heaven.
For the farther one goes
The less one knows.
Thus it is with the Sage:
He does not go forth, and yet he attains his goal;
Although he does no look around him, he is able to give things their names;
Without fuss, he brings all to completion by Non-action.

47 ― Arthur Waley

Without leaving his door
(S)He knows everything under heaven.
Without looking out of his window
(S)He knows all the ways of heaven.
For the further one travels
The less one knows.
Therefore the Sage arrives without going,
Sees all without looking,
Does nothing, yet achieves everything.

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