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Friday, February 12, 2021

बिन्दु नाद 
Bindu & Nāda
Semen & Sound
Vibration & Resonance
道 名

After completion of His Cosmic dance, शिव Śiva sounded डमरू His Damaru as the Universe was being created.
These sounds create, maintain, regulate and destroy the Universe.
Semen and Sound are mentioned as the Creative Force of the Universe.
भगवान सुब्रह्मण्य Lord Subrahmanya is worshipped as the embodiment of both.

नाद-बंधु-कलदि नमो नमः
Nāda-bindu-kalādi Namo Nama
Nāda (नाद, “sound”) refers to शिव Śiva while बिन्दु Bindu refers to शक्ति Śakti (power)
Bindu may be translated as Semen in the physical plane and as stages of spiritual development in नाद योग  Nāda Yoga.
“A डमरू damaru (Skt. डमरू damaru; Tibetan ཌཱ་མ་རུ; Devanagari: डमरु) or damru is a small two-headed drum, used in Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. Damru is known as the instrument of Lord Shiva. Damru was first created by Shiva to produce spiritual sounds by which this whole universe has been created and regulated…”

शिवपुराण Śivapurāṇa (1.16)
Accordingly, “the entire universe consisting of the movable and the immovable is of the nature of बिन्दु Bindu (dot) and नाद Nāda (sound). बिन्दु Bindu is शक्ति Śakti (Power) and शिव Śiva is नाद Nāda. Hence the universe is pervaded by शिव Śiva and शक्ति Śakti. बिन्दु Bindu is the support of नाद Nāda. The universe has the support of बिन्दु Bindu. Both बिन्दु Bindu and नाद Nāda together support the entire universe. The unification of the बिन्दु Bindu and the नाद Nāda is called Sakalīkaraṇa and the universe takes its birth as a result of this Sakalīkaraṇa. The Phallic emblem is the fusion of बिन्दु Bindu and नाद Nāda and is the cause of the universe. बिन्दु Bindu is the goddess and शिव Śiva is the नाद Nāda and the fusion of the two is the phallic emblem of शिव Śiva.
Goddess of the form of बिन्दु Bindu is the mother and शिव Śiva of the form of नाद Nāda is the father”.

Note: नाद Nāda is a nasal sound represented by a semicircle and used as an abbreviation in mystical words. नाडा Nāda means “sound” or “tone” and “universal pulse of life” or “flowing stream of consciousness.” In योग yoga, नाडा nāda refers to the nasal sound often found in mystical words.

I gradually redevelop the creative sound vibration within. Upon practising I am able to perceive the अनाहत Anāhata or the inner sound (अनाहत: unbeaten, unwounded, intact/Not produced by beating (as sound)). That inner sound is always there. Everyone has that sound within. It is that sound that keeps us alive. “In the beginning, there was the Word,” the Bible says. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” So God & the LoGos are not different. They are one and the same—Nada Brahman we call it. Nada (sound) and Brahman (God) are one and the same.

God—the Unmanifest, Essential Power, Source or Consciousness—expresses Its Self first as sound. Then, the sound gives rise to many forms and names. Going to the very source of the creation we can hear that sound within and find out that everything and everyone is functioning according to the same hum. Like the hum of the ocean and as blows the wind. When a huge fire burns here ist a hum. When we are in agony we often moan and make a humming sound.  Why do we do that? Unconsciously, we are connecting ourself to our source through the sound.

What the Bible calls “the Word” is the sound—Nada Brahman or Shabdha Brahman.
The saintly poet, Arunagiri Nath sang,
नाडा बाँधु कलड़ी नमो नमः। वेद मंत्र स्वरो नमो नमः 
“Nada Bindu kaladi Namo Namah. Veda mantra swaroopa Namo Namah. 
God, You are a mantra Swaroop. Your form is not a human form or anything with flesh and bone; Your form is of the sound.” 
So God is mantra swaroopa, which means to have a mantra body.
But sometimes even the mantra body is not perceivable. We cannot see that or hug it; we cannot do anything with it. So the mantra takes the form of a yantra, which is also known as a mandala. When we worship the yantra with a mantra, that is called tantra. Mantra means to make the mind steady. So, to make the mind steady, we make use of the mantra.

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