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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Locally wired versus fully connected

Saturday, February 27 2021 (5)

"As you contemplate, as you meditate, as you look upon the Mind, know the Mind has many windows. And as you look out of your inner self, know, where you are looking, where you are seeking.
  • What is your ideal?
  • What do you want your mind-body to become?"

― Edgar Cayce (ECRL 262-78)

  • 辵 to walk for a while and be still for a while
  • Ideogrammic compound (會意): 彳 (“walk”) + 止 (“foot" or "to stop")
  • 辵 (radical 162, 辵+0, 7 strokes)
  • Alternative forms: 辶, ⻍, ⻌ (combining forms)
  • मार्ग • (mārga)
  • 彳to walk slowly
  • 彳 (radical 60, 彳+0, 3 strokes)
आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्ग  āryāṣṭāṅgamārga 
(八聖道分 又譯為八正道、八聖道、八支正道、八支聖道、八聖支道,佛教術語)
According to Indologist Tilmann Vetter, the description of the Buddhist path may initially have been as simple as the term the middle way
The path to the end of suffering, involving eight steps:
  1. Right View, 正見解
  2. Right Intention, 正思惟
  3. Right Speech, 正語言
  4. Right Action, 正行為
  5. Right Livelihood, 正生活
  6. Right Effort, 正精進
  7. Right Mindfulness 正意念
  8. Right Concentration 正禪定

The Noble Eightfold Path is sometimes divided into three basic divisions, as follows:

DivisionEightfold Path factors
Moral virtue (Sanskrit: śīla, Pāli: sīla)3. Right speech
4. Right action
5. Right livelihood
Meditation (Sanskrit and Pāli: samādhi)6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right concentration
Insight, wisdom (Sanskrit: prajñā, Pāli: paññā)1. Right view
2. Right resolve
सम्मादिहि Sammādiṭṭhi
सम्म Sammā, 2 (indecl.) (Vedic samyac (=samyak) & samīś “connected, in one”; see under saṃ°) thoroughly, properly, rightly; in the right way, as it ought to be, best, perfectly (opp. micchā) D. I, 12; Vin. I, 12; Sn. 359; 947; Dh. 89, 373. Usually, as °-, like sammā-dhārā even or proper showers (i.e. at the right time) Pv. II, 970; especially in connection with constituents of the eightfold Aryan Path, where it is contrasted with micchā; see magga 2 a. (e.g. VbhA. 114 sq. , 121, 320 sq.). ‹-› The form sammā is reduced to samma° before short vowels (with the insertion of a sandhi —d-, cp. puna-deva), like samma-d-eva properly, in harmony or completeness D. I, 110; Vin. I, 9: PvA. 139, 157; samma-daññā & °akkhāta (see below); and before double consonants arisen from assimilation, like sammag-gata (=samyak+gata). The cpds. we shall divide into two groups, viz. (A) cpds. with samma°, (B) with sammā°.

सम्मादिहि सुत्त का उपदेश इनके द्वारा दिया गया :
(1) बुद्ध Buddha 
(2) सारिपुत्त Sariputta 
(3) मोग्गलान Moggalan. 
(4) महाकस्सप Mahakassapa. 

The eightfold way (physics) a theory that organizes subatomic particles into octets

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