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Friday, February 19, 2021

‧ॐ •

I am a “Person” by Pure Consciousness Projecting itself from Spirit Into Matter.
With Every Now Moment I am Projected into Form~ Again and Again. 
Continuity Is An Illusion. Every part of me~ Including my Body is Newly Projected Moment to Moment.
Through Consciousness~ Filtered By my Perception~ I Create from Belief to Thought to Feeling.
What I Believe Creates Thoughts~
What I Think Creates Feelings & my Energy Focus of these Combined~
Must Crystallize & Create my Reality.
This is True when I Create with Others~ & When I am Creating Myself.
By Nature~I Am A Perfect Creator.
What Do I Want to Create?
What do I Want my Energy to Represent?

It is Always my Core Beliefs that are Dictating what I Think & Feel.
Beliefs that are Given and Accepted without Inquiry Create Unconsciously.
Conscious Beliefs Are Simply Conscious Choices.
If I want to Consciously Create My Reality~I have to Know Myself.
I have to Know What I Believe. Observe what My Beliefs make me think.
I shall Observe how my thoughts make me Feel.
What Experiences are they Creating?
Are they Positive or Negative? Am I Open or Closed?
Do I Seek to Divide or Unite?
Let me drop Out of The Story~ Whatever it Is~ and See With Awareness.
Am I Unconsciously Running Fear-Based Beliefs~Thoughts & Feelings~
Or Am I Consciously Creating From The Heart & Feeling to Knowing?
There Can Only Be One

I have learned to unpack on this journey called life.
Unpack my what-ifs, fears, hurt, and resentment.
They could not coexist with the love and the life I deserve.
So I sit with your truths.
Become so aware, open and transparent that anything, whether it leaves or stays, feels like freedom.

Putting a Stop to Sexualizing Innocence.
Yes, there is a place Within Our Soul that is Driven from Ecstasy.
Our Wild and Free Shakti Flowing is our Soul Creating.
But there is also a Very Important part of our Soul that is our Inner Child and this space is Innocent~ and must Be Touched with Love without it being Sexualized.
This is how we learn to Trust and Love Unconditionally~
Because we Feel Loved & Protected.
Without Healing this Aspect~One Cannot Access their Shakti fully~
And Create Clearly From our Soul without Distortion. 

This wound is a two-way street.
If I have not Healed this Aspect of me~ I will Meet this Wound in Others~ 
Somewhat Normalizing it.
If I am Not Attuned to my Innocence in a Healthy way~ I will unconsciously~ whether you like it or not~Attune to the Innocence of Others in an Unhealthy way. 

Alex Grey, Interfaith Christ

This World needs People who are Healed and therefore~Healing.
There are enough people who know how to Wound. 
Which One Am I?

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