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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Bon Gray Mal Gré

Once I have―Bon Gray, Mal Gré―participated in the ongoing human show, I can return.
Not to Hoṃ only to ॐ.
Not to Return to a Peaceful Invariable
Expanding from LoKal to GlobaL
               from Ge to G through Δ
        In the mathematical field of topology, a Gδ set is a subset of a topological space that is a countable intersection of open sets.
The notation originated in German with G for Gebiet (German: area, or neighbourhood) meaning open set in this case and δ for Durchschnitt (German: intersection). The term inner limiting set is also used. Gδ sets, and their dual, Fσ sets, are the second level of the Borel hierarchy.



(Dispensing with the use (of means))

The movement of the Dào
By contraries proceeds;
And weakness marks the course
Of Dào's mighty deeds.

All things under heaven sprang from It as existing (and named);
that existence sprang from It as non-existent (and not named).


The movement of the Dào is a returning.
The chief method of the Dào is non-striving.
All manifestations have their source in Being:
Being has its source in Non-Being.

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