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Friday, February 5, 2021

in any Territory

No history-related BS left
No religion-related BS left
No hierarchy-related BS left

Hence what is Clinging?
Must be rooted in the 29/30 dialectic

Focus 22
Within Focus 22 we often find those perhaps still physically alive who are in an unconscious state. These include people in comas, in drug-induced states, who are dreaming, who are insane or deranged. This is a very chaotic level.
Focus 23
In Focus 23, the human inhabitants tend to be those no longer physically alive who have become "stuck" for one reason or another. Often they are confused about or unaware of their death. Many here attempt to maintain contact with the physical world around familiar people or places. These are the ones we call ghosts. Focus 23 inhabitants are stuck because they are unable to leave through their own resources. The range of their free-will choices is extremely narrow. They are typically alone and completely isolated from communication with other humans. This can occur through the circumstances of their death or habitual patterns of thinking prior to death.

Foci 24, 25 & 26
The Belief System Territories (BST)

Inhabitants of The Belief System Territories are attracted to specific locations by Afterlife beliefs they held while physically alive. Every set of Afterlife beliefs held by humans at any time has a specific location with these Focus levels. In a sense, Belief System Territory inhabitants are stuck like those in Focus 23. The difference is that they are not isolated from contact with others. All inhabitants of a specific Territory are in contact with all others sharing their beliefs. Contact with anyone holding conflicting beliefs is severely limited. Free-will choices here are restricted to only those compatible with the prevailing beliefs. Some of these areas look like Heavens, some look like Hells. Each one is rigidly structured around the beliefs held by the inhabitants. In my experience, it is extremely difficult to move people from this area to areas of greater free will choice.

Monroe, Robert - The Belief system territories

Type of Spiritual Experience
Out of body

The systems we have invented are stored within the Egg in specific places that can be ‘seen’ during an out of body experience.  These are often symbolically shown to us as cities

Robert Monroe in his travels found an area he called the ‘Belief system territories’.  He also found that some people go to these cities when they die because that is what they believed in.  Thus one’s belief system is key to the way the process of death proceeds. 

The hemi-sync technology was being used

A description of the experience
Robert Monroe – Ultimate Journey

"..outer edge of the rings that make up what I was later to realise was the Belief system territories, part of the M Field spectrum adjacent to the Earth-Life System where many Human Minds reside after completing physical life experiences."

Belief systems and our cultures
Societies, cultures, nations operate around belief systems. Without them, there would be chaos.
I go to a cash machine in the belief it will give me cash if I put in a card and a certain number. I drive a car in the belief the car does certain things and that other people on the road are going to behave according to a certain set of rules. I fly in an aeroplane to go on holiday because I believe that planes fly [and don’t drop out of the sky] and that hotels honour the bookings I have made.

Everything we do is belief and system based.

Our belief systems rely very heavily on people telling the truth and keeping to the rules.  The more people lie about the observations, the more people are unable to follow a belief system. And it may take only one lie, one bad experience, for a person to discard the whole belief system ‘I’ll never do that again’.  

As such, our societies are wholly dependent for their smooth functioning on people telling the truth and following the systems keeping to the rules. It is no coincidence that the groups of people [countries, sectors of society etc] who do the least well and cause the most disruption, are those who do not – in fact, we even say that there has been a complete breakdown in systems, and we talk of ‘corruption’-  in essence dishonesty.

So knowledge is an illusion, everything is belief and we rely entirely on the existence of systems of belief – not just spiritual ones.

How does this hinder the spiritual experience?
In the first place, belief systems are what is input [terrifying though it may sound] to the function of Reason in order for the Will to make decisions about what to do next.  If the Memory is full of beliefs, the Reasoning system will carry on extracting what it helpfully perceives to be the fact after fact whilst what we are trying to do is get the Will out of the way so that our composer can work instead.  

The chattering Will chatters because of the chattering memory.

Secondly – it is our belief systems that create ‘separation’ that create the illusion that we are autonomous entities.  Belief systems also create fear and fear [in the context where we seek suppression] can be a terrible block to progress.

Lewis Carroll was also well aware of the block that beliefs can have on spiritual experience.  In the following quote, he tries to demonstrate how beliefs create a sense of separation and fear, because instead of just ‘being’ we use beliefs and our ‘knowledge’ to make assumptions about things.

Lewis Carroll – Alice through the Looking Glass
Alice enters a wood where things have no names.  On entering she is not only unable to remember her name but is unable to remember the name of anything.
Just then a Fawn came wandering by.  It looked at Alice with its large gentle eyes but didn’t seem at all frightened.
 ‘Here then.  Here then’ Alice said as she held out her hand and tried to stroke it …
’What do you call yourself?’ the Fawn said at last.  Such a soft sweet voice it had!  
‘I wish I knew!’ thought poor Alice.  She answered rather sadly ‘Nothing just now’ ….
’Please would you tell me what you call yourself? she said timidly ‘I think that might help a little’
‘I’ll tell you if you’ll come a little further on’ the Fawn said ‘I can’t remember here’
So they walked on together through the wood, Alice with her arms clasped lovingly round the soft neck of the Fawn, till they came out into an open field and here the fawn gave a sudden bound into the air and shook itself free from Alice’s arm.
‘I’m a Fawn!’ it cried out in a voice of delight.  And ‘Dear me! You’re a human child!’
A sudden look of alarm came into its beautiful brown eyes and in another moment it had darted away at full speed”.

So by forgetting we find Love and love is the key to spiritual experience
Thirdly, beliefs tarnish the experience. Read any religious observation and you will see it wholly corrupted by the beliefs of that person, they saw ‘God’ or an ‘angel’ or were swept in ‘divine rapture’ or taken up ‘in bliss’ or...  It makes for rather sobering reading because these closed minds often experienced nothing of the sort. Many of them had visions and experiences no different from today’s drug users, but the drug users simply say – ‘man I got high high high and saw a weird man in a white bathrobe telling me to lay off the drugs – cool eh? Cool!’

We have to go into this knowing nothing. If we accept we know nothing we can learn and we will learn, but every lesson will be quite a knock to our belief systems.

We do know NOTHING.



(Sameness and difference)

Scholars of the highest class, when they hear about the Dao, earnestly carry it into practice. Scholars of the middle class, when they have heard about it, seem now to keep it and now to lose it. Scholars of the lowest class, when they have heard about it, laugh greatly at it. If it were not (thus) laughed at, it would not be fit to be the Dao.
Therefore the sentence-makers have thus expressed themselves:
'The Dao, when brightest seen, seems light to lack;
Who progress in it makes, seems drawing back;
Its even way is like a rugged track.
Its highest virtue from the vale doth rise;
Its greatest beauty seems to offend the eyes;
And he has most whose lot the least supplies.
Its firmest virtue seems but poor and low;
Its solid truth seems to change to undergo;
Its largest square doth yet no corner show
A vessel great, it is the slowest made;
Loud is its sound, but never word it said;
A semblance great, the shadow of a shade.'

The Dao is hidden and has no name, but it is the Dào which is skilful at imparting (to all things what they need) and making them complete

When a man of highest wisdom is told about the Tao;
He is eager to follow it.
When a man of middling wisdom is told about the Tao,
At times he follows it, at times he loses touch with it.
When a man of no wisdom is told about the Tao,
He laughs aloud;
If he did not laugh at it, it could not rightly be named the Tao.
For as a maker of proverbs has truly said:
"Enlightenment in the Tao seems like darkness;
Progress in the Tao seems like regress";
Evenness in the Tao seems like roughness;
The highest virtue seems like the emptiness of a valley.
The purest white seems murky;
The most exalted virtue seems inadequate;
The strongest virtue seems unstable;
The most steadfast nature seems variable.
For "the greatest square of all has no angles;
The largest vessels are late brought to perfection;
The highest note is scarcely heard;
The greatest image has no shape."
The Tao, in its secrecy, is nameless;
Yet it is the Tao which is behind everything and brings all things to completion.

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