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Thursday, December 12, 2019

趣观 | 漫画《道德经》第29章-雪花新闻

Dao De Jing:
(Taking no action)

If anyone should wish to get the kingdom for oneself and to affect this by what that one does, I see that that one will not succeed.
The kingdom is a spirit-like thing, and cannot be got by active doing.
He who would so win it destroys it; he who would hold it in his grasp loses it.

The course and nature of things is such that
What was in front is now behind;
What warmed anon we freezing find.
Strength is of weakness oft the spoil;
The store in ruins mocks our toil.

Hence the sage puts away excessive effort, extravagance, and easy indulgence.
趣观 | 漫画《道德经》第29章-雪花新闻
趣观 | 漫画《道德经》第29章-雪花新闻
趣观 | 漫画《道德经》第29章-雪花新闻
Dao De Jing Chapter 29 - Seddon

Dec 11 at 6:25 AM


Would it be possible to take charge of the world and make it better than it is?
I do not believe that such a thing is possible.

Since the world is sacred
No improvements can be made.
If you try to change it, you will spoil it.
If you try to grasp it, you will lose it.
So, there are times
      for forging ahead, and for staying behind;
      for keeping silent, and for speaking aloud.
Some are strong, while others are weak;
Some rejoice, while others lament.
This is why the Sage avoids excess, extremes, and extravagance.

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