Ad Astra, ᾰ̓γᾰ́πη* (agápē)
Ἄρης (Árēs) Γῆ (Gē) and Ποσειδῶν (Poseidôn-Neptūnus, the eighth (8th) and the farthest known planet from the Sun in the Solar System).
Again, Roy appears to be very emotionless and calm after the violent encounter and death of Tanner. He does admit that he experiences rage, and recalls his father expressing his rage.
A usurper still reigns over मूलाधार, Mūlādhāra** and his name is Wrath or Vater:
"Wrath schaut sie an und sagt ihr, dass ihr Vater ihn zu ihr geschickt habe."***
* ᾰ̓γᾰ́πη • (agápē) f (genitive ᾰ̓γᾰ́πης); first declension
- love, affection, esteem
- specifically, the love between God and humanity, goodwill, benevolence
- (in the plural) Christian love feasts

** lit. "root and basis of Existence." Mula means root and adhara means basis. Or the root chakra as one of the seven primary chakras according to Hindu tantrism. It is symbolized by a lotus with four petals and the colour red.
*** Die Bruderschaft der Black Dagger: Ein Führer durch die Welt von J.R. Ward's
"La colère la regarde et lui dit que son père l'a envoyé chez elle."
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