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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dites 33

Why are there 33 levels of Free Masonic degrees, in the religion and knowledge of Free Masonry?

The 33 degrees represents the anatomical structure in the human spine, from the bottom, rising up towards the top... (root chakra, Kundalini spirit, rises in through the root chakra [the sacrum] first).

When a member of Free Masonry is taught the final secrets of the Masonic Beliefs and rules, one will discover that the final test is the practice of abuses of the alpha, beta and theta waves.
Renamed the Luciferian elite, it is convinced that, to enter the hidden plain of knowledge, programming of a human being is a must (to become enlighted and to become a part of the Illuminati elite's secret society clan). They believe that this seals a spiritual contract of loyalty towards their clan, and discretion about the secret of what it really is.
The Luciferians are relating (their first experience of being sexually abused)
(Abused = The opening of the Third Eye/ The Awakening of the Kundalini Spirit/ Becoming a stargate/ Becoming a Stargazer / Becoming one of the Illuminated / Becoming Enlighted) – To become reborn to Lucifer instead of Jesus Christ and God.*
‘The Illuminati’, are a minority of people that have illumination in common.


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