The study of magnetism promises great discoveries in natural health and medicine. They include pain control and the arrest, management and development of immunity to numerous afflictions that plague mankind.
Magnet ―In any substance that is susceptible to becoming magnetized (ferromagnetic or paramagnetic material), the arrangement of the electrons is haphazard. When this material is placed in a strong electrical current, the electric current rearranges the atoms in the material so that they are in alignment ― with their electrons orbiting in the same direction. The magnets field strength depends on the number of atoms that can be polarized. This lining up of the electrons during the magnetization process musters and deploys energy that was previously potential.
At one end of a magnet is a South pole with a vortex of electrons rotating in a clockwise (dextrogyrate) direction with a positive charge. At the opposite end is a North pole with a vortex of electrons rotating in a counterclockwise (sinistrogyration) direction with a negative charge.
In the middle of the magnet where the magnetic lines of force cross there is a zone where the magnetic field is zero. This is called the Bloch wall* and is true for every magnet as well as for mother earth. This phenomenon was first discovered by Albert Roy Davis and Walter Rawls in their research laboratory in Green Cove, Florida, a work that was later confirmed by NASA, the National Aeronautics & Space Administration, through new research.
"The human body and the earth naturally produce electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields also can be technologically produced, such as radio and television currents. Practitioners of magnetic field therapy believe that interactions between the body, the earth, and other Electromagnetic fields cause physical and emotional changes in humans. They also believe that the body's Electro-magnetic field must be in balance to maintain good health"
Magnetic Therapy for Pet and Pet Pals
by Raymond Elliott, C.A.M.
Certified in Applied Magnetics
Magnetic Therapy is often thought of just for people or just for horses, but it is actually the same for all animal forms. Illness and chronic states affect the human and animal body when tissue is stressed, becoming acidic and deoxygenated. Cellular regeneration is muted in an acidic/deoxygenated state causing arthritic tissue to develop instead of proper connective tissue, scar tissue instead of normal skin and muscle tissue, etc. Basically, Magnetic Therapy is the use of static magnets to balance blood and tissue cells in an affected area, allowing the cells to become alkaline and oxygenated again. When cells are alkaline and oxygenated they respond properly, regenerate properly and will stop feeding the chronic state.
Animals are extremely sensitive to proper and improper energies. When a sick dog comes across a Proper magnetic field he will gravitate to it instinctively knowing it is helping him. Humans have lost that sensitivity and need to be convinced. The facts are available but modern medicine has been slow to accept it, although some attention has been shown toward Electro-magnetic therapy. Surprisingly, the use of static or non-electric generated magnetics appears to work better and have less potential for side effects. There are a few different types of applications, all north, bipolar, and bipolar concentric, and all can be used successfully if used properly. It is suggested to have a good source for magnetic purchases where the science is understood and instruction for proper application is available.
Scientists have discovered that cells in the body have a clockwise cellular spin when sick, stressed or injured. If the body stays in this state too long it becomes chronic, while cells in a healthy body spin in a counterclockwise direction and are alkaline and oxygenated. Much talk has been made in health circles about eating foods to create a greater alkaline state in the body and for proper tissue function.
With the proper magnetic application, this counter-clockwise alkaline/oxygen can be created.
Magnetism is using Nature's Energy to help overcome the Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome while living in man-made magnetic fields. The magnetic field therapy increases blood flow, nutrition and oxygen to the body's cells and tissues
Magnetic Therapy in its natural state is the dominant North Pole field of the Earth dominating over the life processes of the body. With a full magnetic field from the Earth, the body goes through many actions to promote good growth, strengthen tissue and fight disease and damage from accidents or injury. However, most of the Earth does not have a full magnetic field. Scientists tell us that as a normal process the Earth's poles reverse approximately every 5,000 years. This could explain the loss of a lot of dinosaurs. As we move to this polarity switch, in about 2,000 years, the Earth's magnetic field is lessening. With a decreased field the body is not always able to make all the changes it should and it makes it unable to successfully protect itself. An interesting note is that there are only four places left on Earth with full magnetic fields. Two habitable and two are not. They are not the North Pole or the South Pole. The habitable are Sedona, Arizona and Lourdes, France** ― both known for healthy living and healing. They can be thought of as East and West Poles.
Magnetic Therapy works by affecting our blood. Normally the blood operates in a North Pole orientation, or under a North Pole effect. In this polarity the blood is oxygenated and its process of distributing nutrients and pulling wastes and toxins from injured tissue is made most efficient. When the body is ill or injured the polarity of the site is switched by the body to a South Pole orientation. This creates faster, excited movement meant to draw blood cells to the area for healing. The blood does not work well in a South Pole orientation. Its movement does not allow normal function and an acid state is developed, which micro-organisms, viruses and malignance thrive in. Once the blood has been drawn to the area, the body, with the help of the Earth's magnetic field is supposed to change the polarity of the blood back to a North Pole orientation so positive activity by the blood may take place.
The problem is that with a reduced magnetic field the body can not always make this necessary conversion and the injury/illness area is left in a South Pole orientation thwarting good cell growth with its acid effect and slowing the healing process. Without blood removing wastes and toxins from injury/illness sites, they are left there to fester and become unwanted bursas or arthritic tissue or bad calcification. The increase in conditions like Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, ADD, ADHD and a multitude of cancers and other Auto-Immune system diseases have increased with the decrease of the magnetic field. Other problems are slow healing in fracture sets and longer recovery periods of disability after accidents. Another sign of this is the great increase in repetitive motion injuries in every form of business and sport. The answer in many cases is Proper Polarity Magnetic Therapy.
By applying a structured North Pole magnetic field, using high strength North Pole pad, the polarity of the blood in the injury/illness area can be converted allowing the blood to work as it should, pulling wastes and toxins away to the kidneys and other cleansing organs, clearing a path for good cell growth aided by the nutrients the blood can now deliver. Simple and totally natural. Use a Natural field to act as a catalyst to normal blood functions. The body can now heal itself naturally. Of course, if there are broken bones or vertebrae out of place the magnets will not do it alone, this is time for a good chiropractor. Magnetic Therapy is only a piece of the health pie allowing us to avoid in many cases unnatural medicines and sometimes making surgical procedures unnecessary. Magnetic Therapy works great on many conditions and studies are coming up with more uses every day. Like the positive effects of drinking North Pole magnetized water for those with conditions like Arthritis's, Fibromyalgia, Gout and ADHD to name a few. People are having great success but that's not a reason to avoid health professionals. After all, without a good diagnosis, what do we treat? Magnetic Therapy works as well on Horses, Dogs and Cats as it does for people.
Apply a natural North Pole magnetic field. Convert the polarity of the blood to the North Pole orientated working polarity. Let the body heal itself. What is more natural than that?
The Magnetic Effect
A magnet or electromagnet produces an energy field
Each pole of a magnet produces a different effect
North-Negative Has a counter-clockwise rotation Inhibits Relieves pain Reduces inflammation Produces an alkaline effect Reduces symptoms Fights infections Supports healing Reduces fluid retention Increases cellular oxygen Encourages deep restorative sleep Produces a bright mental effect Reduces fatty deposits Establishes healing polarity Stimulates melatonin production Normalizes natural alkaline PH | South-Positive Has a clockwise rotation Excites Increases pain Increases inflammation Produces an acid effect Intensifies symptoms Promotes microorganisms Inhibits healing Increases fluid retention Decreases tissue oxygen Stimulates wakefulness Has an overproductive effect Encourages fatty deposits The polarity of an injury site Stimulates body function |
BioMagnetics by Jerry W. Decker
with information from "The Magnetic Effect"
by Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls
One of the most important series of experiments ever done and yet still not widely known were those carried out by Albert Roy Davis in conjunction with Walter Rawls. These experiments are FUNDAMENTAL to an understanding of magnetic forces and are to this day not being used widely because many have never even heard of them.
They found that each pole of a magnet has SPECIFIC effects that are quite different from those of a full magnet where both poles are applied simultaneously. These polar effects are deemed "mono-polar" for one pole. The poles spin in opposite directions and have opposite properties.
Specifically, North Pole energies cause the mass to contract and condense, rotating in a CCW direction, while South Pole energies cause the mass to expand and dissipate, rotating in a CW direction.
Also, North Pole energies have alkaline properties while South Pole energy is acid. North pole energies tend to collect fluids while South Pole energies dissipate fluids. North pole energy is referred to as negative because it ䷨損41 reduces or attracts, while South pole energy is referred to as positive because it ䷩益42 expands and dissipates.
➥ It was found that the use of a North Pole would provide an energetic environment that would cause cancer cells to contract and die out.
This energetic environment also has other healthy applications as detailed in their many books.
One of the most basic functions magnetic fields have in the body is to increase circulation. When a cell (such as a red blood cell) is injured or ill, it does not hold its ideal charge. This causes red cells to “stick” together, making circulation slow. When a magnetic field passes through the red cell, the membrane becomes properly charged, allowing the cell to repel itself and keep itself separate from other red cells, thereby increasing circulation. In addition, PEMFs increase various chemicals in the blood vessel walls that cause the blood vessels to dilate, improving the amount of blood flowing through the vessels and therefore increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues.
A new field of energy medicine is emerging. Magnetic energy can be used as a non-nutritional source of energy to evoke specific biological responses. Life is a matter of balance between north and south pole magnetic polarities and not just one or the other of the poles. The metabolic responses of biological systems to specific magnetic energy polarity and Gauss strength are consistently dependable. The body is an electrical as well as a chemical unit. Magnetic fields produce small electrical currents under the skin - sufficiently powerful enough to cause biological effects such as pain reduction, regeneration of cells and nerves, etc. Magnets usually work better than they are predicted to — they are the safest and finest therapy that can be bought — nothing is better in many cases. Sensing any discomfort while wearing a magnetic device — can be solved by taking it off so that the discomfort will go away very quickly — no worry about creating another condition from an overdose
The beauty of the universe and the biological systems within it is its marvellous simplicity, unity of design and orderliness. North magnetic energy can cause increased melatonin production by stimulating the pineal gland at night. Melatonin has been established as having the values of master control over hormones, sleep, immune function, antioxidants, infections, respiration, mineral metabolism and all other metabolic energy systems. While our body is recovering its biological energy loss, as we sleep, melatonin and growth hormone are active participants in this recovery process.
** The total straight line flight distance ("as the crow flies") from Sedona, Arizona to Lourdes, France is 5,559 miles that are equivalent to 8 946 kilometres or 4,831 nautical miles. The flight direction from Sedona, AZ to Lourdes, France is Northeast (43 degrees from North).
The basin that became Sedona used to be a sea bottom 330 million years ago. The layer of limestone that underlies today is the result of iron oxide deposited by water all through those 330 million years. The red rocks in Sedona are among the layered kind of Paleozoic rocks formation that make up the Grand Canyon. Layered Paleozoic rocks are formed from 525 million years to 270 million years ago. The supergroup rocks are even formed much much earlier from 1,200 to 740 million years ago. The Vishnu basement rocks are the oldest rock formation in the area and are about 1,840 to 1,680 million years old, much much even older than God!
The Sedona area was at sea bottom 330 million years ago, and the shells of sea creatures formed a layer of limestone that underlies the area today, called the Redwall limestone because of its colour, the result of iron oxide deposited in the rocks by water in later eras. The Supai Group of red sandstone, deposited when the area was a floodplain about 300 million years ago, sits atop the Redwall Formation, to a depth of about 600 feet. On top of that is a layer called the Hermit Formation, about 280 million years old, made of sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate.
On top of the Hermit Formation is a layer that 270 million years ago was coastal sand dunes, and is now red sandstone up to 700 feet thick in places. Two more layers of sandstone were then capped by a layer of limestone laid down when the sea returned about 255 million years ago and is known as the Kaibab Formation.
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