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Friday, February 25, 2022

Violet Ray
off (M)

Robert Allen Monroe

There is a broad field of energy which for convenience is called (M).  It is virtually unrecognized in our contemporary civilization.  It is the only energy field common to and operational both within and outside time-space and is present in varying degrees in all physical matter.  Because of the tendency of (M) to accumulate in living organisms, LIFE—or Layered Intelligence-Forming Energy—is a useful acronym for one band of the (M) Field spectrum.

In the Earth-Life System, (M) is present in greater concentration, ranging from “inert” matter through microorganisms to Human Minds.  The variance and spectrum of (M) radiation are extremely wide by local standards, yet is only a small notch in the total breadth of the (M) Field.

All living organisms use (M) radiation to communicate. Animals are more aware of (M) radiation than humans, who, with few exceptions, have no awareness of it at all.

Thought is a much-used perturbation of (M), and emotions are bands of (M) adjacent to thought.  Love is also a band of (M) adjacent to thought.  Thought-induced phenomena, willful or autonomic, are side-band couplings of (M), and thought affects and modulates (M) radiation.
— Robert A. Monroe, Ultimate Journey, page 185

Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim

The vital force is not enclosed in man but radiates within and around him like a luminous sphere. It is a radiating essence, and in these semi-material rays, the imagination of man produces healthy or unhealthy effects. But of these invisible causes of disease popular medicine knows next to nothing. Men who are devoid of the power of spiritual perception are unable to recognize the existence of anything that cannot be seen externally. There are some who have learned so much that their learning has driven out all their common sense. Medical science may be acquired by learning, but medical wisdom is the gift of God.”
— Paracelsus (1493–1541)

Ultraviolet arrow-shaped rays entering skin cells

Edgar C. Cayce

The violet ray in healing would have been almost totally forgotten, except for one man. As a child, Edgar Cayce — seer and healer — lost his voice for months and doctors were unable to help him. After his case worsened he fell into a sort of coma/trance during which time he was able to diagnose his true state of health and of which he emerged using Latin words he never ever learnt. Empirically he learnt how to practice self-hypnosis and diagnosed many medical conditions, first, to help a few friends with their health problems. Floods of desperate people flocked through his door seeking help for difficult medical conditions. In his lifetime as a “psychic diagnostician,” he gave 14,000 readings in which he mentioned using the violet ray in more than 900 readings. He also recommended violet-ray electrotherapy for a numerous variety of conditions that would include arthritis, baldness, circulation problems, nerve, spinal and debilitation problems, sprains, eye disorders, and even possession.

Again, Edgar Cayce mentions the use of the violet ray in eye conditions. He advised treating the third, fourth, and fifth cervicals and the first and second dorsals on the back first. He recommended treating the eyes no longer than one minute. He suggested the eye applicator to clear cataracts.

Now, as each human body is unique — for we are born with a unique combination of cells and each cell with its own energy so that no two human beings are the same — this is our blueprint and given that our electromagnetic signature or electromagnetic field is mostly impacted by the continued inputs from the Voidào, our electromagnetic signature is our body's method of control — a control from within that affects the mind, the body, and our well-being. Cells in the body have a natural polarity, a polarity that when balanced, places our blueprint in a restored state of health and optimal well-being.

Nikola Tesla

On the evening of 20 May 1891, the American Institute of Engineers gathered in a lecture hall at Columbia University. They were about to witness a show of science that would install the engineer Nikola Tesla as one of the greatest inventors of the new age of electricity.

One of Tesla’s favourite demonstrations was wireless lighting.  He liked to hold a glass bulb that has a single electrode inside it. A Tesla coil created an electrostatic field in the air, which ionised the gas in the bulb and caused it to glow.

Nikola Tesla had suggested that different wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum could be used to treat medical conditions. Jacques-Arsène d’Arsonval and Paul Oudin, pioneers in the field of electrotherapy, agreed. They modified Mr Tesla’s device to create an electrotherapy instrument. Tesla also developed an instrument, and it was not long before numerous companies began peddling their own versions under the name ‘violet ray’.

Nikola Tesla had discovered a way to diffuse high-frequency current into a discharge of mist, enabling the creation of the “violet ray,” which gained great popularity in the 1920s. He was the genius who observed that high-frequency electricity had important effects on health. In 1892 he met with Paul Oudin in Paris where they discussed ways of building therapeutic high-frequency oscillators. Months later Mr Oudin produced the first device that became known as the “violet ray.” Paul Oudin began to experiment with skin disorders and found that acne, eczema and psoriasis were easily treated with the new device. After a few treatments, the skin patches would begin to break up and disappear completely in two to three months. When the devices were used to spark warts or skin cancer, the anomalies often were removed within weeks. The violet ray often took away the pain, and many times it was almost considered a miracle.

George Lakovsky

Nikola Tesla’s suggestions were also taken up in earnest by George Lakhovsky, who perceived that the twisted-filament, coil-like structures within all living cells constitute ultramicroscopic circuits "capable of oscillating electrically over a wide scale of very short wavelengths."

G. Lakhovsky’s apparatus evolved from Tesla’s. "These circuits," Mr Lakhovsky wrote, "are stimulated by damped high-frequency currents from a spark gap. Thus each circuit of the transmitter vibrates not only on its natural frequency but also on numerous harmonics." George Lakhovsky observes that the frequency of his spark-gap oscillator’s basic vibrations ranged from 750 kilocycles all the way up to 3 gigacycles! And he adds that "each circuit also emits many harmonics, which, with their basic waves, their interferences and their effluvia can reach the scale of infra-red and even that of visible light."

G. Lakhovsky employed spark-gap oscillators, Tesla coils, and even vacuum-tube oscillators, and he put some of these devices into patent. The G. Lakhovsky multiple-wave oscillator (MWO) terminates in a distinctive frequency-independent antenna consisting of a number of concentric open rings of different diameters. The MWO antenna provides full-body stimulation to the patient, who is situated a few feet distant from one of these or between a matching pair.

In conclusion, Nikola Tesla's electrotherapy idea was taken up as well by Arsène D'Arsonval and Paul Oudin. One finds in the Tesla coil literature many mentions of an "Oudin coil" when a Tesla coil is obviously meant. This has perplexed some researchers who conclude Oudin's coil had to be special, but he had just made it a safer apparatus. They point out that the bottom grounded end of Mr Oudin's primary and that of the secondary were connected together, but one can easily find this hook-up in Nikola Tesla's work as well. Perhaps, as Nikola Tesla's name became taboo in the media, writers and editors chose to call the device by Dr Oudin's name to play it safe.

George Lakhovsky called his book The Secret of Life, no less. The ability to electrostimulate living tissue at the subcellular level and thus energize the life force within has huge medical implications.

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